“I wish I’d seen that. Sloane’s a dick at the best of times, but to assault a female? That goes against everything I was raised to believe in.”
“Same for Gargoyles. Our females are trained in hand-to-hand combat as well as all types of weaponry, so they can handle themselves, but it’s engrained in the males of our Clan to be their protectors. Females are sacred. If anyone, regardless of who they are, put their hands on you, their life would be forfeit.”
“Just like that?”
Bas tightened his grip on the steering wheel, thinking of someone harming his mate. “Just like that. If you accept the mate bond, you’ll be Queen of our Clan. You’re already the most important female in my life, but you’ll be important to thousands of Gargoyles as well.”
“Just so you know, I plan to accept the mate bond. I have dreamed of you since that day in the woods. Turned down being Alpha Mate on the chance I would one day meet you. So let’s consider that a done deal. I guess we should do the whole twenty questions and learn more about one another. I like all types of music, but I tend to listen to country the most when I’m in the car. I hear nothing but classic rock at The Depot. My favorite food is steak and potatoes. Any kind of potatoes. Being a shifter means high metabolism, and I don’t have to worry about too many carbs. I prefer to read over watching television, but I do have a few shows I binge. My favorite color is blue, but I love everything about fall and that includes all the colors associated with the season. My idea of the perfect date is sitting under the stars by an open fire drinking beer after eating steak and potatoes.”
“I see a theme there with the food,” Bas joked. “I also enjoy most genres of music, but I tend to listen to hard rock most. Have you heard of Cyanide Sweetness?”
“Who hasn’t?” Dakota huffed.
“Desi Rothchild is a Goyle. His father and mine are good friends, and I’ve seen Desi’s band several times. I also like a good steak, but my favorite food would probably be Mexican. I don’t think I have a favorite color other than plaid.” Dakota laughed, and Sebastian had found his new favorite sound. “I love your idea of the perfect date. I too enjoy the outdoors especially during fall. It’s one of the main reasons I want a business on the mountains in West Virginia. The colors are so vibrant, and then there’s snow. We don’t get much snow in Georgia. It’s mostly a layer of ice. To be honest, I don’t read much. I do like movies. Mostly the ones with lots of car chases and explosions. I did well in school, and I enjoyed it, mainly because I had so many cousins there at the same time. I didn’t go to college, though. I learned architecture from my papa. He set up a small drafting table in his office where I colored pictures. As I got older, I watched him work, and I was like a sponge.”
“Not only is he drop-dead gorgeous but smart too,” Dakota stage whispered.
Bas grinned at his mate. “What about you? Did you like school?”
“It wasn’t bad because I had Jolee. I did well in my classes and would like to have gone on to college, but my parents couldn’t afford it, and I didn’t want to be strapped with student loans the rest of my life.”
“Makes sense. What would you have studied if you’d been able to go?”
“English and literature. I love getting lost in books, and at one point I thought about trying my hand at writing. I used to write short stories and poems, but I had to hide them. Phoenix is an asshole, and he’d tease me about having my head in the clouds. I’m an alpha, but I’m also a romantic at heart. After a while, I stopped writing and turned to besting him anytime I could.” Dakota waved her hand as if she were wiping away the memory, and Bas wanted to turn the Jeep around and go beat her brother’s ass.
Oblivious to Sebastian’s inner rage, Dakota continued. “I also considered being a teacher. I love kids, and I thought it would be cool to make a difference. Be that teacher who got down on the student’s level with patience. There were so many times I could see a kid in my class struggling, and the teacher didn’t make an effort to ensure everyone understood the class work. I tutored my share of peers in middle and high school. I wasn’t a jock or a cheerleader, and I had the time.”
“That’s amazing, Dakota. If you want to try your hand at writing, or if you’d like to go to college, I say go for it. The future is wide open for you now.”
“Writing maybe, but I still don’t have the funds for college.”
“Oh, but you do. Not to brag, but I’m loaded, and that means you are too. Everything I have is now yours, or it will be as soon as we seal the bond.”
“Aren’t you worried about me taking off with all your money?”
“No,Mia Regina,I’m not. The fates wouldn’t have chosen you if you were a thief who wouldn’t love me as much as I will cherish you.”
Dakota tugged on his hair. “What’s that one mean?”
Sebastian reached back and removed her hand from his hair. It was doing crazy things to his body, and Bas didn’t want to wreck. He kissed her knuckles before saying, “It means my queen.”
“That’s just nuts. Me, a queen, and of Gargoyles no less. I mean, look at me. I look like a bartender, not a royal.”
“And my momma was chief of police. Do you think she looked royal? It takes a tough female to lead a Clan, not someone who wears fancy dresses with lots of jewelry and eats bon bons all day.”
“I don’t even know what a bon bon is.”
“It’s a fancy chocolate. What I’m saying is you already have qualities like compassion and a tough disposition. The way you spoke of wanting to help kids? That right there is the type of person our Clan needs. You’re going to make a fantastic Queen, and I cannot wait to introduce you to the rest of our family. They’re going to love you.”
“How do you know?”
Bas held back the words he wanted to say. It was too soon. Instead, he told her, “You put Anthony in his place. Anyone who can do that is a welcome addition to our Clan.”
“He is fun to wind up,” Dakota said, grinning.
“You mentioned loving kids. Does that mean you want them some day?”
“I do. At least a couple, but not anytime soon. Is that okay?”