“Maybe I should fill these orders until Noah gets back.” Dakota cut her off before she could spill her guts. After making up her mind to get the fuck out of town for a while, Dakota called Jolee while she was packing to give her a heads-up. There was no way she’d duck out without telling her best friend what she planned. Jolee might be an omega, but she was scrappy, and when you pissed her off, she got mean.
The door opened, and Dakota prayed it was Noah. No such luck. It was an angry Kingston. Tinsley rushed over to say hello but stopped a few feet away. Even she was smart enough to recognize a pissed off Alpha.
King walked behind the bar and got in Dakota’s space. “What are you doing here? We have a meeting in thirty minutes.”
“Pulling beers. Noah had an emergency, and Vernon needed help.”
“The Depot is Vernon’s responsibility, not yours.” Dakota went to step around King, but he grabbed her arms. When she glanced down at his hands, he turned loose. “Sorry. But this is important, Kody.”
“I get that, but what would it say about me if I didn’t step in to help when Vernon needed me the most? I get you want me at this meeting, but I’m not needed there. Iamneeded here.”
King pushed a strand of hair that had come loose from her ponytail behind her ear, then cupped her nape, leaving his scent there. Dakota hated when he did it, but it was an Alpha thing. He did it to all their pack. “What was Noah’s emergency?”
“There was a domestic altercation between his parents and his dad’s mistress. The three of them tried to kill each other.”
“Fuckin’ hell.” King rubbed his temples. “Can no one else fill in?”
“You know there isn’t.” Dakota skirted around him and grabbed another ticket from Jolee. “Excuse me,” she said, shooing King from in front of the taps with her hands. “Look. If Noah gets back in time, I’ll come to the pack house. If not, I’ll meet this Alpha another time.”
“Fine. I’m sorry I put my hands on you.”
Dakota ignored him and retrieved two cold glasses from the cooler. King sighed heavily, shaking his head. He didn’t linger, thank the goddess. With him out of the way, that was one obstacle down, two more to go.
Dakota cleared the second hurdle when Noah showed up about fifteen minutes later. “How are your parents?”
“Alive.” Noah’s eyes were haunted. “But life as they know it will never be the same. My mom told my dad if he showed his face at home, she’d finish the job.”
“That’s rough, but at least they’re alive, right?”
“Yeah. Sorry you had to fill in. Let me know if I can repay the favor.”
Perfect opening. “As a matter of fact, you can. Come with me.” After making sure everyone had a full drink, Dakota gestured toward the stock room. When she closed the door, she whispered, “I need to get out of town for a while. Can you cover my shifts?”
“Hell, yeah. I mean… Is everything okay? Most people don’t just up and leave Panther.”
Dakota lifted her hand to tip her hat back, but it was in the car. She smoothed out her hair instead. “I’m tired of all the bullshit with King. I’m hoping if I’m gone for a bit, he’ll choose someone else as the Alpha Mate.”
“Or he’ll get pissed and come after you. Are you sure about this?”
“I am. So what do you say?”
“I’ll do it. But what if he comes looking for you? I can’t lie to him, Kody.”
“He’s got that meeting with the other Alpha this evening, so he won’t realize I’m gone until tomorrow. If he does ask, tell him the truth. I needed to get out of town for a bit.”
Noah opened his arms, and Dakota stepped into his embrace. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, but I’ll be back.”Maybe.“Now I have to break the news to Vernon.”
“Good luck with that. He’s probably going to offer you ownership of the bar to stay.”
Dakota squeezed her friend before stepping back. “He’ll get over it. Maybe now he’ll learn how to pull a beer.”
Noah’s eyes got big, and they both burst out laughing. “I better get back out there.” Noah reached out and squeezed Dakota’s hand. “Take care of yourself.”
“I will.” She left the stockroom and turned right toward Vernon’s office. When she knocked on the doorframe, he leaned his head back against his desk chair and narrowed his eyes.
Cutting right to the chase, Dakota said, “I need to take off for a while.”