Page 3 of Muddy Messy Love

I slouch as Jen is escorted away. Their strategy is clear—divide and conquer—find the weakest link to crack. And in this case, it’s the youngest. Lucky me.

Sergeant Nile steps forth, towering over me like an ominous alleyway building. “Thirty minutes ago, an incident was reported on Vallen Street. Coincidentally, the vehicle you occupied fits the description, and the laptop found inside matches the one allegedly stolen. So tell me, Avery, who took it?”

I stare at the sergeant with wide eyes and no words as my blood drains to my feet. His razor gaze scans my face, compellingthe truth to fly from my mouth, but I resist. He narrows his eyes at my silence, and when he speaks again, his tone is formidable. “I’ll count down from twenty. If you don’t tell me who took the laptop by the time I get to one—I’ll arrestallof you.”

I flash my gaze to Jen in the distance. She cradles herself as the officer speaks, her shoulders jolting under the weight of her sobs, and I wince. This is my fault. No one is arresting Jen. The only thing she’s guilty of is terrible taste in best friends.

The countdown starts. “Twenty… Nineteen…”

And I silently curse. Chaotic thoughts spin as I struggle to invent a plausible story—one that sets us all free. Slade took it from a table. I saw him clear as day, but I can’t snitch; he’ll never speak to me again.

“Fifteen… Fourteen…”

I can’t let Liam suffer either.Damn, Mia.If she’d done the right thing, none of this would be happening. You don’t bail on your housemate the minute the bills are due.

“Twelve… Eleven…”

And since when is an enclosed front porch a proper part of a house? That unlocked door was meant to lead us to Mia’s front door, not straight into her lounge. I only went there to ask for my money, albeit late. But it’s Saturday, Mia’s a night owl, and I didn’t know Slade would steal anything. Maybe I should take the fall. I’m not eighteen yet. At twenty, he’d be in way more trouble.

“Seven… Six…”

No, I can’t do that. But snitches get stitches, remember? My heart thumps so loud I can’t hear myself think. I’m not a good liar—never have been—but I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and prepare to do just that. God, I hope Slade still wants me when this is all over.

“Three… Two…”

“Okay, stop! I’ll tell you.” The countdown halts, and I slump over, resting my hands on my knees, panting as though I’ve runthe City to Sea. I tilt my head up and meet the sergeant’s glare. “I took it, okay? I stole the laptop.” My stomach somersaults in protest, and the sergeant frowns.

“Where were the others?”

“In the car. I went in alone.” I will my traitorous cheeks to remain pale, hoping the biting chill of barely morning helps. Jen and Liam did stay in the car, so it’s mostly true.

The sergeant searches my face, clenching his jaw. “Stay right here.”

He leaves to confer with his partner, and they speak in hushed tones. He retrieves his phone, and I kick at the grass verge while I wait, staining the tips of my pink Chuck Taylors green. If I kick hard enough, the ground might open up and swallow me whole, banishing me to the fiery pits of hell where I belong.

Sergeant Nile finishes his call, then strides towards me, removing handcuffs from his duty belt. As chrome glimmers in his meaty fist, I brace for the inevitable words to come. “Avery Masters, I am arresting you for suspected burglary.” The sergeant spins me around and binds each wrist behind my back with cold, hard steel. He reads out my rights, and I find refuge in a dream-like daze, refusing to process this cataclysmic fuck-up.

Footsteps echo up the street as Jen sprints towards us, her officer in pursuit. “No!” she yells. She halts toe to toe with the sergeant, catching her breath. “Sir, Avery stole nothing. I told the truth. Slade did it. Why are you arresting her? You can’t do this.” Her words grow more frantic as she speaks, and I shake my head.

“Jen, it’s okay. You don’t need to cover for me.” I say the words slowly, imploring her to play along, but she’s having none of it.

“No, you can’t do this. I won’t let you take the fall for him. He doesn’t even love you. Can’t you see?”

Her words hit point-blank, and my heart explodes like tempered glass knocked one too many times. My tears sting, andJen winces. “I’m sorry,” she says. “I didn’t mean it. But tell them the truth.Please,Aves.”

“I already did,” I grit through clenched teeth.

The officer eyes me with scepticism, then pulls Jen aside. “Jennifer, even if your story is true—Avery entered the building with Mr. Pearson and apparent intent. Whether she took the laptop is irrelevant. It’s still burglary.”

“What?” Jen says. “But that’s not fair. What intent?”

That minor fact is news to me too but only solidifies my decision. I was going down anyway. Why should two of us suffer? And I guess they would assume intent if my beef with Mia is known. Jen might’ve told them—Mia could’ve too.

“That’s the law, I’m afraid.”

“Well, it sucks.” Jen pouts, then slaps a hand across her mouth. “Oh my God, I snitched on my best friend. Shit, I’m so sorry.”

I roll my eyes, willing her silence. She’s ruining everything.