Light glimmers in Jen’s eyes like silver tinsel. As Cole nears, she holds out her hand. “If you’re not Cole, we have a serious problem.”
Cole shakes it. “You must be Jen. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Likewise, although she won’t give me any juicy stuff.”
My face burns, and I whack Jen’s arm as I halt at her side.
“Not sorry,” she says. “Making you change colour like a mood ring is the best part of our friendship.” At that, Cole’s laugh bellows, and Jen looks at me. “I think I like him.”
I roll my eyes at Cole. “You passed, apparently.”
“Phew,” he says, wiping invisible sweat from his brow. He winks at me, and my belly flips. Will that ever stop? I hope not.
Cole regards Liam’s car where both back doors hang wide open like elephant ears. He wanders over, nodding to my pottery wheel. “You need a hand with this thing?”
Jen sniggers, and I plant my hands on my hips. “It’s not a thing, thank you very much. It’s a heaven-sent gift from the gods.”
Cole arches an amused brow. “That needs to go…?”
“In the entry,” I say. “I’ll help. You won’t be able to lift it on—” Cole’s biceps flex as he effortlessly pulls the wheel from the car. “Okay,” I mumble, “maybe you will.”
His dimple reappears as he strides past me and Jen. Cole suited up and carrying a briefcase is one thing, but Cole in dark denim and a soft grey tee carrying heavy machinery is an entirely different stratosphere of hot. Jen and I both sigh. “That man is doughnut balls dipped in chocolate sauce,” she says. My eyes boggle, and Jen cringes like she’s sucked on lemon. “That sounded worse than intended. Sorry.”
I elbow her. “Behave yourself, or I’m dobbing on you.”
She nods. “Fair enough.”
I follow Cole inside. “Just dump it here,” I say, pointing to the corner nearest the studio.
Gently, Cole sets it down, his forearms cording under the strain. I slink up next to him and bat my eyelashes. “What strong muscles you have.” I drag my short scarlet nails over the flourish of leaves and birds on his skin.
He offers me a devilish grin. “All the better to sex you with.” He winks, and we snicker like idiots.
I love us like this. Relaxed and playful and flirty. All sparkling eyes and secret smiles only for each other. The hollowness inside me has gone, filled by shooting stars and rainbows and all my other favourite things. My chest isn’t twisting. My stomach isn’t aching. And it’s all because of him.
I push up onto my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Thanks for your help.”
“Is there anything else?” he asks.
“Nope, that’s it.”
We stroll back out front. I close the car doors and boot, then look at Jen. “Would you like a coffee?”
She flashes a regrettable smile. “Can’t. Liam said if I don’t have Betsy home by two, he’ll report her stolen.”
I huff a laugh. “Are you serious?”
She shrugs. “I wouldn’t test him. Put it that way.”
“It’s a great car,” Cole says, and our heads snap to him in unison. He takes in our gaping expressions with a smirk, then leans against the chassis and taps the roof twice with his knuckles. “These are sought-after. Rotor-heads are a die-hard, loyal bunch.”
I peruse the car, then look back at Cole with an arched brow. No fucking way.
“I’m not kidding,” he says. “Even in this condition. It’s a house deposit, at least.”
“Oh my God.” Jen’s hand flies up to her mouth. “So he’s not delusional? This whole time, I thought he was bonkers.”
“He’s not,” Cole says.