I shoot my hand out and shake my head. “Don’t come near me!” I scream, gripping the ground as I try to hold on to my stomach contents and consciousness. Cole’s shiny black size-twelve shoes halt at the outskirts of my vision.
“I see she has Sheila’s flair for dramatics,” Thomas says. The chair creaks as he rises, and soon his shoes appear too.
“Leave her alone,” Cole growls.
“Or what?”
I lift my gaze, silently begging Cole to get this vile man away from me. It’s all too much.
“Don’t look at him, sweetheart. He won’t do jack. Cole knows his place and what’s good for the firm.”
Cole’s face turns a crimson shade of red. White-knuckled fists shake at his sides. But still, he does nothing.
I look at Thomas, panting. “You’re a bastard.”
Thomas rocks back on his heels with an ironic chuckle. “No. Technically, you are.”
The words have barely kissed the air when Cole snaps. He grabs Thomas by his jacket and slams him up against the brick wall facing Collins Street. “One more fucking word and I’ll kill you.” Cole’s voice is demonic, but Thomas’s mouth twists into a goading smile, and he stares Cole down with missile eyes, daringhim to take a swing. Instead, Cole releases him and walks away, scrubbing a hand over his face.
Thomas recovers, peeling himself off the wall, then straightens his suit and tie, his nostrils flaring. “You’ve made a grave mistake, boy. Gerard might have been a fat son of a bitch, but at least he wasn’t stupid. I’ll ruin you. You can kiss your whale clients goodbye.”
Cole’s eyes squeeze shut as his chin meets his chest. “Get out of here,” he says, deflated.
Thomas looks down at me. “Will fifty thousand do it?”
“Do what?” I ask.
“Make you forget I exist.”
I cringe. “I don’t want your money.”
“That’s too bad.” Thomas rubs his chin. “I’ve tried to play nice with your mother over the years, Avery, but I would strongly advise you not to back me into a corner. You don’t know what I’m capable of. I want this over, once and for all. So name your price and let me know. This could be the start of a very prosperous future for you.”
A business card flutters to the ground at my knees, and I close my eyes as Thomas walks away, then flinch as he slams the office door shut. Ignoring the card, I gather myself up from the floor. I need to get out of here. Cole swoops in to help, but I jerk away and hiss, “Don’t fucking touch me.”
Cole drops to his knees, circling his arms around my hips. “Please, Aves. Let me explain.”
His teary eyes shoot arrows into my heart, but I have no blood left to bleed. “What’s there to explain?” I ask as my tears christen him. “Please accept my resignation, effective immediately, and let me the fuck go.”
Cole’s arms fall limp, and their absence leaves me hollow and cold. “I love you. That wasn’t a lie,” he whispers.
I swallow the clump of fleece in my throat. “Deception renders love null and void, Mr. Benedict.” And with those last words, I leave.
Why give me your new number and then ignore my calls? Are you trying to worry me to death?
I’m fine. Just can’t talk right now.
Biggest load of bull I’ve ever heard. It’s been two freaking weeks. I’m coming over, and if you don’t answer that door, I’m calling the cops.
I sigh as myleaden arms flop back down, sending my new Cole-memory-free phone skittering across the dusty studio floor. Great. I probably broke the fucking screen already, but what’s another disaster? I’m the disaster queen. My life is a stream of shit—one Jen shouldn’t want to swim throughagain. But nevertheless, twenty minutes later, her muffled voice tumbles down the hall as she thumps on the front door. “Avery Masters, I swear to God if you don’t let me in, I’ll make good on my promise.”