The night of the party arrives. I wish I could get out of going to this gathering, but Sterling also had Lux hand deliver invitations to all the employees, so I guess this party is kind of a big deal. I can say I’m sick as an excuse, but I won’t coward away and give Sterling the satisfaction of knowing he’s getting to me.
I hop out of the shower and stand in front of my open closet, deciding on the mid-knee length clingy dress with the Vee-shaped neckline or the silk ruffled sleeved shirt with the penciled skirt. After a few minutes of deliberation, I choose the dress with the thin red belt at the waist and a red pair of four-inch pumps.
After applying the minimum amount of makeup and red matte lipstick to my full lips, I give myself a slow perusal in the mirror.
My hair had difficulty cooperating, but my spiral curls finally looked good and framed my face just right. The smoky-eye shadow plays up nicely and brings out the brown in my eyes.
I grab my clutch and cellphone, head out the living room, and then out the front door.
My cell buzzes, and I glance down to see that Shayla has made it to pick me up. I hurry my steps to her car and get in. Thank God that my friend Shayla will be my plus one tonight. I won’t have to stand around feeling like the newbie.
“Hey, girl” Shayla’s fancy diamond earrings dangle from her ears. “You look fantastic.”
“Hey, thank you, and you look fantastic as well.” I admire the short black skirt, matched with a silky azure top that hangs over one brown shoulder.
Her nose crinkles as she smiles at me.
“Your boss is going to want to jump your bones. You are one sexy bish.”
I laugh. “Just stop. No one is going to want to jump anyone’s bones tonight.”
“Okay, Ayana. Anything you say,” Shayla says before steering into the street.
Shayla and I listen to the radio and catch up on each other’s work week. First, of course, I bend her ear about how big a dick Sterling is.
“You are great at your job, Ayana. If your boss can’t see that, he doesn’t deserve you.”
“You’re right about that, Shay. You know I don’t like to lose. I’m just going to stick it out because the pay is twice as much as I was receiving at Mid Tech.”
“That’s one great thing about the takeover. All of us got a raise. Sometimes change is good.”
“Right? Also, I want to thank you for coming with me tonight."
We pull up to the venue and get out.
"You're welcome. Besides, I love parties," she replies and hands her keys to the valet. We head toward the host dressed in a black, long tail suit.
"Good evening, ladies," he opens the doors and gestures us inside.
"Good evening," Shayla and I reply in unison.
We step into a large entryway with two waiters on either side standing tall and holding trays of champagne. I don't hesitate to grab two flutes and pass one to Shayla.
"Thanks, girl." She grins and takes a sip. "I'll have to watch my alcohol intake tonight since I'm driving, but you get your drink on. Hopefully, it will help you to loosen up a bit."
"In that case, I will take another one," I say, chugging down the champagne. I reach for another flute and set my empty champagne glass on a nearby empty tray.
Shayla laughs. "That's my girl."
We see people milling about and chattering as we walk into the building.
"Looks like the boss man really went all out, huh?" Shayla mutters in a low voice.
"Yeah, he did," I admit glancing around the room."
The scent from colorful flowers, stuffed in vases around the perimeter of the room, filter the air with their sweetness. I admire the impressive chandeliers hanging from the ceilings.
Any other time I would enjoy coming to a fancy party like this. Except this isn't just any party, it's a shindig given by my prick of a boss. So, I inhale, exhale, square my shoulders, and march further into the room as if headed for war.