Page 16 of Own Me

He just stands there staring at me, observing my extended arms. A flush of embarrassment travels over me. I drop my arms to my sides and attempt to walk past him to get to my office.

He walks beside me to say, “Did you decide to sleep in again, Sleeping Beauty, while the rest of us work our asses off?”

I halt my steps, which makes him pause his stride. My spine stiffens, and I turn to meet his glacial stare. Even in four-inch heels, I still have to arch my head to gaze up at him. The fact that he called meBeauty, albeit sarcastically, is not lost on me. I despise how much I love that he thinks I’m beautiful.

“I’m so sorry I’m late, but I did call in. I was halfway to work when my tire went flat. I had to wait for a roadside service tobring me a new tire and change it. I promise you I won’t be late again,” I say, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. “I better get to work so I can catch up on my tasks.”

This time, I manage to slip past him and make my way to my office. I put the cup of coffee and the bag with the Danish on my desk and my handbag in my bottom desk drawer before I power up my computer.

“I’m not finished with you.” He raises his voice in the hall.

I exhale again. I should have known it wouldn’t be that easy to start my day without confrontation.

I glance up with my best friendly smile to see Sterling standing in the doorway, watching me.

“Did you come for your coffee and Danish?” I ask in a sugary sweet tone.

“Did you forget we had an early morning staff meeting? I had to deal with your tasks in your absence. If this job is too much for you, just turn in your resignation now. I will hire someone who doesn’t mind being on time and getting shit done.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. A resignation is exactly what he wants, for me to give up and quit. I press my lips together so the wordsgo fuck yourselfdon’t slip out of my mouth.

He crosses his thick, muscled arms across his broad chest and stares as if waiting for me to blow up.

I allow myself to take in his handsome features. I notice how perfect his fit frame is encased in a dark, custom-made suit. The coat stretches across his shoulders, and the slacks brace against his toned thighs.

Even as angry as I am, the image of his hot, naked body hovering over me, fucking my brains out, is never too far from my memory.

“Ayana, I expect an answer instead of you sitting there glaring at me.”

I want to say, Prick. Before I let the perfect word to describe him fly from my lips, I pull back my shoulders and meet his gaze. “I value this job, Sterling. Although I can’t help that I had a flat tire, I profusely apologize for being late. I’m sorry that I missed the meeting, and I’m sorry that I put you in a position to take up my slack. If you need to dock my pay, I will understand. Again, I am sorry.”

“All the half-assed apologies in the world won’t cut it,” he scoffs.

I sit straighter in my seat, clench my teeth and flex the fingers of my hand that itched to slap his smug face. He might be trying to ratchet up the cruelty to get me to quit, but there is such a thing as too much. His unforgiving tone strikes my last nerve, but I remain calm on the outside. I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing me sweat.

“And since you were late—yet again—I expect the contract from the Perryton Firm to be on my desk before you leave, even if it takes you all night. I expect coffee on my desk in the morning, made by you, not from—” he scowls in the direction of the Starbucks cup. “If you really value and want this job the way you say you do, then prove it.”

I gasp. No words leave my mouth. I watch him turn and walk away. Any passion for him inside me competes with my growing contempt for him. I snatch the coffee and bag with the Danish and drop them over the side of my glass desk. They land in the metal wastebasket with a thud. I wish it was him I could shove in the trash.

One o’clock is usually when I break for lunch, but I stay at my desk reading through the Perryton file. I promised myself that I would finish it and get caught up with my work by the end of the business day.

It’s just too bad that I can hear the grumbling in my belly.Maybe I should pop down to the cafeteria and grab a chicken sandwich and something to drink.I instantly change my mind as I glance at the piles of file folders and binders cluttering my desk. I rub the back of my neck and return to my work. No rest for the weary.

An hour later, I glance up at Vanessa standing in front of my desk.

“Hey, I missed you in the cafeteria at lunch. I figured you didn’t have time to grab lunch, so I brought you a sandwich and cola,” she says.

“Oh my God! You are a life saver.” I grab her offerings and thank her.

“It’s just ham and cheese on rye.” She gives me a sweet smile. “How’s your day going?” She sits on the edge of my desk.

“It’s been hellish, but I’m making the best of it.”

“I can’t imagine. Sterling is usually fair and understands his employee’s circumstances. He goes out of his way to help whenever one of us is in need. This is so out of character—the way he is with you,” she says in a confiding tone.

I give her a suspicious glance. “I guess he ran out of compassion when it came to me. I was late, though. Twice, as a matter of fact. I must not let that happen again.”

“You are a positive woman, my dear. I admire you for that.” She smiles at me as I finish up the sandwich. “You were really hungry, huh?”