Page 12 of Own Me

I find the HR office with no problem. The secretary expects me and sends me right in. An older man with salt and pepper hair sits behind the desk. He's wearing a dark grey suit and glances up from his computer when I stand before him.

“You must be Ayana?”

I smile at Mr. Starks and reply, “Yes, I am.”

Mr. Starks returns my smile and extends his hand, “Please take a seat. I just have some paperwork for you to fill out, so you can get paid, and then you can be on your way,” he says, handing over the necessary paperwork on a clipboard. He hands me a pen as well.

Within ten minutes, I read over and fill out the paperwork.

“Welcome aboard, Ayana. I hope you will enjoy your time here at NexGen West Software.”

“Thank you, sir,” I reply before saying goodbye and making my way back up to Mr. West’s office.

The other employees' stares follow me as I walk down the long hallway. I notice this section has carpeted flooring. Several offices are on either side of the hallway with clear, large windows with glass doors. The employees are sharply dressed men and women at work at their desks.

I return my stare forward, noticing the CEO's door at the end of the hall office is different than the others. For one, you can't see past the large mahogany door. Neither can you see inside the office since the walls aren't clear like the others.

I halt in my tracks when faced with the solid, closed door. I also notice a small empty office to the right of Mr. West's office. That office is like the rest, with transparent walls and a large window on the back wall. The office has a desk with all the office amenities included.

Mr. West's mahogany door flies open just when I’m about to knock on it, and a beautiful woman storms out. I quickly take a step back as she slams the door behind her. Her short skirt and tight, low-cut blouse are far too revealing for business attire.

Our gazes clash, and she stares angrily at me. “Who the hell are you? I suppose another one of his sluts,” she says before I can even speak. “Well, let me give you a bit of advice.”

I glance at my new boss's closed door. Who is this woman, and why is she so angry?

“Don't ever give your heart to that man,” she continues. “He will fuck you inside out and throw you away!”

My mouth opens and closes, but no words come out.

“Look at you. You have absolutely no chance with the likes of him anyway. So don't make a fool of yourself. He is so far out of your league. Even a woman as perfect as me couldn't hold on to him.”

Anger rises within me.

Who the hell does this woman think I am? Who is she to talk to me that way?

“Who are you?” I ask with my head tilted slightly to the side as I try to figure out why this woman is addressing me like this.

“I’m his fiancée—well his ex-fiancée but?—”

I deliberate on telling this woman what I’m here for. Obviously, she’s hurt and taking her anger out on the wrong person.

“Not that it's any of your business, but I'm no one's slut,” I say. “I never have been, nor will I ever be one. I'm here for a job and a job only. For future reference, I warn you not to belittle women you don't know.”

Her anger reminds me of my rage when I saw Chris with that woman. But all of that is in the past now. Thank God.

“Just so you know, he’s a man-whore,” she fumes before taking off down the hall.

Without even turning around, I know the other employees are staring at my back, but I dare not turn to face them. For my first day and impression of my boss, this scene is embarrassing to say the least.

The door suddenly opens, and I gasp. My eyes are glued to familiar blue ones.

“It's you,” he says. A sudden smile glints in Sterling's eyes and forms on his kissable lips. “What are you doing here?

“Oh my God! I—I didn't know that you worked here. I didn’t expect to see you again.” I press my lips together, feeling flustered as nervous energy travels from my head to my feet.

His eyes rake up and down my body as if he, too, is remembering that night of hot, sensuous lovemaking. The night he went inside me so deep, he made me forget every other man before him.

“You would have known who I am if you had called. Why didn’t you call me, Ayana.”