“But I knew this would happen. It always does. It’s the way of life. You started thinking about work, didn’t you?”

He shrugged. “Of course.”

“Then let’s focus on that. After I stepped into your shower -- and you have the best showers, by the way -- I got to thinking about Ry and his involvement with the Invictus.”

Ethan let out a long deep breath. For some reason he’d been so sure that Samantha would want to deepen their relationship, ‘take it to the next level’, something he’d heard more times than he wanted to remember in the last decade. He didn’t have another level, just his dedication to Bergisson and not bringing a woman on board who could get hurt because of who he was as mastyr of his realm. So it eased him that she spoke of Ry and not about love or commitment or anything else.

Ry was also on Ethan’s mind; finding him and imprisoning his ass for the next millennium. He also needed to figure out what lay behind the growing organization of the Invictus. They’d never been so disciplined before, fighting as they were now in larger ranks, arrayed like soldiers, trained like fighters. Had Ry done this secretly over the decades, with perhaps the help of this mysterious ancient fae? Or maybe the one called ‘the Great Mastyr’ was involved as well.

More than anything, he wanted to pull the veil back and have a look at what was there.

When wraiths had first learned to bond with other realm-folk, the ensuing power the newly-created pair could forge, sent them primarily on crime sprees, usually involving draining and killing innocent realm inhabitants. But the last few decades, and especially the last several months, the typical Invictus depredations had turned to objective-based forays, like the one at the Guildhall fair. They seemed to be testing their mettle and improving their battle skills.

Samantha squeezed his arm. “Earlier, before we began exploring the crystal ceiling of the Guildhall, I’d felt a vision wanting to form involving Ry.” She smiled and waved a hand to encompass the grotto. “But all this happened. Now I’m thinking maybe we should return to the Guildhall and try it again.”

“But I thought you might be too tired.”

“Well, I am tired and a little sore in the best way, but exhilarated, too.”

“Wait, did I hurt you?”

She purred and moved her hand to rub his chest. “Did it seem like you were hurting me?”

“Well, no, but I was sort of out of control.”

“Is that what’s really bugging you here?”

He paused for a long moment, searching her light blue eyes, trying to think, to understand. “Yes. I can’t afford to be like this. I need you to understand that Bergisson depends on me.”

“Okay. So what do you need to do right now then?”

“Contact my men. Finn.”

“Then do that. Please, don’t wait on me. I’m not a delicate flower that needs to be tended to every second of the day, or rather night.” She made a slight gagging sound that forced a smile over his lips.

He leaned into her and taking her face in one hand he kissed her. “Thank you for that. This is new to me and I guess I needed permission.”

He felt for his phone then decided on telepathy, partly because of the noise of the waterfall. He opened his pathing frequency, and directed it toward Finn.

Here, Mastyr. Ethan could always count on Finn.

What’s it like out there?

Quiet. Too quiet. I have the patrols in the usual places, but there’s a vibration in the air.

Ethan shaded his face with his hand. He felt it as well and had ever since the attack at the fairgrounds. Ry would be coming for him, or for Samantha, and if he truly did have command of a new Invictus army, then the whole thing could explode at any moment.

Fine. I’m working things from this end as well, with Samantha. She’s got some serious vision-based power. Quinlan’s here, too.

That bastard? But even telepathically there was amusement in his voice. What’s he up to?

The sight of Quinlan going straight for Samantha at the Guildhall flashed through Ethan’s mind. For a few painful seconds, he was back there and the Neanderthal need began to rise once more.

Ethan, you there?

Finn’s voice snapped him out of the moment and he forced the possessive feelings down as far as he could stuff them. I’ll let you know about Quinlan. I might send him to you.

That would work. You okay? Ah, shit, I just realized he’s a mastyr as well. Did he make a play for your woman?

She’s not my woman and yes he did.

Okay, I get it. Stay in touch. Kyle’s checking in.

He then called Vojalie and found that she’d returned, as expected, to his primary residence. She was never far from Bernice.

When he mentioned their intention of returning to the Guildhall, Vojalie suggested they try using the conservatory of his primary residence. Since it was clear Samantha had some kind of connection to the crystal patterns in the apex of the roof, he agreed.

“We’re heading back to my main house. Vojalie is there now.”

“And Quinlan?”

Ethan shuddered as he shook his head. “I need to speak with him, to face him about what happened, but I’ll probably be sending him to Finn.”

“Sounds good. Ready when you are.”

He flew her swiftly back to his home in the southern part of his realm, touching down just outside the door. He took her hand as he walked in, but kept her on his right, placing himself between Samantha and whoever might be in his house.

As it happened, Quinlan sat on the raised fireplace hearth, the baby in his arms.

“Ooooh,” Samantha cooed quietly. “How sweet is that? And she looks so tiny in his arms.”

Ethan turned his head slowly and glared at Samantha, but her lips quirked which told him she’d been taunting him on purpose. He narrowed his gaze. “Will you behave yourself?”

She caught his woven shirt in her fist and pulled him toward her as she leaned up and planted a full kiss on his lips. “No.” She then waved to the inhabitants of the living room.

Panic set in as he followed her. He didn’t want another fight, but if she got anywhere near Quinlan, Ethan was pretty sure he’d rip the dark-haired, handsome bastard to shreds.

But when Samantha reached the short set of stairs to the right, she turned back, winked at him, then called out, “Hey, everyone. I’m headed to the conservatory.”

Quinlan murmured a greeting but stayed put.

Davido waved at her and said Vojalie was cooking up one of her pasta recipes. “Dinner in a half hour.”