At that, he turned toward her, catching her hand and holding it. “What are you saying? Another vision?”

“Maybe. Ry keeps coming to mind, repeatedly, as though knocking on a door. And I don’t mean him, I mean thoughts of him. I think I’m supposed to have a vision about him.”

“Right now? And what do you mean, you’re supposed to have a vision?”

“I can’t explain it. I just have this sense that if I were to really let go, I’d be able to see something about him, or about his current activities, maybe even where he’s located.”

“Is something stopping you?”

“I feel blocked somehow.” She turned to Vojalie. “Would this be normal?”

“In every possible way. First, you’re just learning to access your vision-based power and second, next to Ethan, Ry is the most powerful vampire in Bergisson Realm. He would have some ability to conceal his activities from the fae, especially if he’s able to enlist the help of one of our specie.”

“I have a sense of urgency, like I need to find out what’s going on. Is there anything we can do to enhance what’s happening to me?” She smiled. “Is there an incantation I could use?”

Ethan saw the teasing light in her eye and something within his chest released, a tension he’d been holding. Samantha would need a sense of humor if she chose to stay in Bergisson.

Vojalie chuckled. “No, nothing like that, but do you remember the conversation we had earlier, about the conservatory and hearing sounds like soft, angelic singing?”

“Yes, the first night I slept with the door open. I had such a peaceful night’s sleep.”

She glanced up at the crystal ceiling. “I think you might be the one to embrace this energy, to harness it. Are you willing to try?”


There was no doubt, no wavering in her response. Ethan valued this about Samantha; the woman had courage.

Vojalie’s expression grew serious once more. “I’ve been waiting a long time to find a fae who could create a connection with the crystal alignments in the ceiling design of the minaret. So let’s see what you’ve got.”

Vojalie held out her hand.

*** *** ***

Samantha glanced at Vojalie’s smooth pink palm. The fae woman had delicate hands and long fingers, beautiful nails. But she’d also just issued a challenge to Samantha, something she couldn’t resist.

Samantha might be an artistic jewelry designer, generally considerate of others, and basically disposed to let life take its own sweet time, but she was also a trifle competitive by nature. So, she slapped her hand in Vojalie’s. “Hell, yeah.”

Ethan chuckled and put his hand over their joined fingers and gave a squeeze. “I like this. I do. Very warrior-like.”

Samantha nodded. “And from what I’ve seen of Ry, besides the mere fact that he’s aligned himself with the Invictus, the bastard deserves to be brought to earth, the sooner the better.” She glanced up at the crystal configuration. “So, what do I do?” She then shifted her gaze to Vojalie.

But the fae, as powerful as she was, merely shrugged. “I have no idea. We’ve all stood in the central red circle, beneath the minaret roof, but nothing much came of it, not for any of us.

“However, you’re a blood rose and connected to a powerful mastyr vampire. Maybe this will make the difference. All I can suggest to you is to go with your instincts, follow your call on your faeness.”

Samantha turned toward the central circle of tile. As she glanced at the floor, she realized she was looking at blood red pavers made up of crystals. She took a deep breath and moved forward quickly, pulling her hand from Ethan’s. This first part of the process she had to do herself, but the moment she stepped onto the round garnet tiles, pieces of the puzzle clicked into place. Her fae vibration became a sudden solid stream within her, a line that ran from her feet through her entire body, flowing up and up.

She gasped, shoulders tensing.

A brilliant flash of light followed.

Then nothing.

She awoke staring into Ethan’s concerned, smoky, light brown eyes. He held her hand. “What happened?”

“You passed out.”

She blinked, trying to make sense of why she lay off to the side of the crystal pathway. “I felt my faeness like a river through my body.”

She turned her head slightly meeting Vojalie’s concerned gaze, but a light shone in her eyes as well.

“Did I experience what you’ve been looking for?”

Vojalie nodded. “I think so, but the power that flowed overwhelmed you.”

“Yes, it did. The last thing I remember was a burst of light.” She sat up expecting to feel dizzy. Instead, she felt good, really good. Alive.

She gained her feet with the help of both Ethan and Vojalie and before they could stop her, she stepped onto the ruby-red disk again. She wanted more and opened her faeness quickly.

Another explosion of light.

When she opened her eyes this time, Ethan’s jaw worked. “Don’t do that again.”

“I have to. And, it’s not bad. It doesn’t hurt. In fact, the sensation is wonderful but I’m meant to do this, to connect with my power through the crystal ceiling.”

“We know that,” Vojalie stated. “But it’s clear to me you need support. This time, let Ethan hold you, be a sort of anchor while the power flows. At the very least he can catch you if you pass out again.”

Samantha let Ethan lift her to her feet and she nodded. “Are you willing?”

He lifted a brow. “Of course.”

Samantha’s breath caught and held. She had so many questions about her place in Bergisson and she had questions about where she should land, whether the Nine Realms or Shreveport. But in this moment, she knew one thing for certain: She could rely on Ethan because he said ‘of course’ without batting an eye, without the smallest hesitation.

This vampire could go the distance. At his most essential, this was his truth.

Moving to the edge of the circle once more, she stared at him, her lips parted.

What is it? His voice in her head startled her, a sensation that soon gave way to pleasure.

You amaze me, Ethan. I’ve never known anyone like you. I know you’d rather be with Finn and your Guard right now, but instead you’re here. And not just here: You’re fully present. You’re with me.

His brows drew together and he shook his head. Where else would I be? You need my help, so of course I’d support you.