The rational human part wanted the vampires to stop fighting, but this new fae self rejoiced in the battle as each man levitated and spun, avoiding the strike of the blade, lunging in for a killing blow. Ethan rose higher, to gain an advantage, and flew down toward Ry at a blurring speed.

But at the last moment, Ry shifted away, his body and leathers forming a fan-like shape as he escaped Ethan’s blade. He caught Ethan’s arm and jerked, which sent Ethan into the front walkway with a terrifying thud.

Samantha cried out, but Ethan rose up off the bricks as though he’d barely felt it. Vampires were strong.

Moving fast once more, he flew almost straight up and for a split-second, she saw fear in Ry’s eye, as Ethan plowed into him. Ry’s blade fell to the ground and Ethan tackled Ry to her front lawn where he pinned him.

The next moment, the air was full of more warrior vampires, Ethan’s Guard, all wearing the traditional leather garb, floating down to her front yard to form a half-circle around Ethan and Ry.

“Now listen to me,” Ethan shouted into Ry’s face. “This woman, blood rose or not, has rights both here on earth and in Bergisson. You can’t take her against her will, you piece of shit. Do we understand each other?”

Ry breathed hard, probably because he had Ethan almost sitting on his chest, but he nodded.

Ethan drew himself up into the air and backward a few feet, giving Ry room. “You’re no longer part of the Bergisson Guard. You’re out.”

Ry rose slowly from the ground, levitating to face Ethan an equal distance in the air. Slowly, he unbuckled the leather cross-strap that angled over his chest and let it drop to the ground. Afterward, he let the long sleeveless coat fall as well, the trademark of all Guardsmen.

Samantha felt the seriousness of the situation like a second skin and each vampire looked like he’d been delivered a hard blow to the chest.

“We may as well be clear about one thing, Ethan.” Ry moved in a few inches.

Ethan’s gaze became hooded and dark. “By all means, let’s be clear.”

“I’ll have my rule back one day, you’ll see, whatever it takes.” He cast a sly glance in Samantha’s direction. He might even have winked, she wasn’t sure.

Just as Ethan lunged for Ry once more, the latter shot into the air and disappeared north toward Bergisson.

Tension held the remaining Guard immobile for several long seconds and only the sound of the long coats flapping in the breeze disturbed the night air.

Finn broke the silence. “What a prick.”

A round of laughter passed through the men.

Samantha still stood behind the closed screen door. She put a hand to her chest to see if she still breathed. Her lungs appeared to be working but her heart still thumped in hard beats against her ribcage.

Her gaze slid from the Guardsmen back to Ethan. Two mastyr vampires, and she wanted to feed them both.

What kind of curse was this?

But there was a material difference between the two men: Ry would take her at any cost while Ethan spoke of her freedom and her rights.

Of the two, she had no doubt which could be trusted.

Ethan issued another string of orders, which sent most of the Guard away, leaving two behind. The remaining Guardsmen rose into the air and made slow sweeps over the roof of her house and the perimeter of her front, side, and back yards.

Ethan once more approached the screen door, but he wore a scowl that brought his straight thick eyebrows resting just above his smoky gray-brown eyes. “You’re not going to want to hear this, Samantha, but I’d like you to come to Bergisson with me. Tonight. To stay in my house.” He held up both hands. “Nothing funny, but Mastyr Ry has made his position clear and right now you won’t be safe in Shreveport. Will you come with?”

Samantha stared at him, eyes wide, unable to blink. Now she was supposed to uproot herself and move into his house?

She wondered if this night could get any crazier or if maybe she’d just imagined everything. She needed to know more about what was happening to her. “Step back.”

He obeyed.

She pushed the screen door open and moving onto the front porch, grabbed his arm, squeezing tight. A vibration ripped through her. “What is that? What am I feeling? I need to understand some things here.”

“My personal frequency. We’re a world of vibrations and frequencies.”

The vibrations ebbed and flowed, almost like a conversation. Then she realized some of the vibrations emanated from her. The whole experience felt wonderful, extraordinary and completely unnerving.

Ethan winced and groaned. “Oh, God, you smell like heaven, the sweetest fruit and wine together.”

His eyes were shut as he licked his lips.

She couldn’t be imagining this sensation, a feeling of consecutive waves passing through her, tightening her abdomen and once more causing her heart to thud and her blood to flow thickly in her veins.

“And you smell like rich earthy grasses, something that grows wild on a hillside.” Her nostrils flared as he opened his eyes. “And you’re real, aren’t you?”

“I am.” His deep baritone voice enhanced the vibrations. She released his arm, a necessary act. She was feeling too much.

She shuddered as she drew back.

Turning away from him, she let the screen door slam shut. “You want me to stay in your home in Bergisson? You, the ruler of that realm?” She thought it was akin to being offered a stay at the governor’s mansion.

But at that, Ethan smiled, showing all his big beautiful teeth. “I don’t bite, except on request.”

“Now you’re going to flirt with me?”

“Only if it takes some of the sting out of the moment. Seriously, Samantha. Ry means business.”

“I can see that he does, but this is all so new, so bizarre, too much to take in.”

“You’re right. Of course.” He frowned again, something he did a lot. “Let me put it this way. Until we get this thing sorted with Ry, you’ll be safer in Bergisson than here and since it appears you’ve just discovered tonight that you have fae blood, I can try to make contact with Merhaine and bring Vojalie to stay at my house as well. She’s a very wise woman and our most powerful fae. She’ll be able to answer every question.”

Some of the tension left her body. “I have to admit, that sounds much better.”

He leaned forward. “She’ll be able to tell you everything about who you are, even about Andrea, things I wouldn’t know or have access to. She might even be able to show you around the Fae Guildhall, one of the most revered, historical buildings and organizations in our realm.”