It’s the ninth round of competition. I made it through rounds seven and eight without many problems. My rib is getting better, but I’ve suffered some extra bruises and aches and pains from the fight.
But I’m not doing this for my body’s safety. I’m doing this to win and prove that I can. I’ll meet Nico, and I’ll kill him for the murder of my father.
My opponent is named Toymaker. He likes to wind people up with insults and then attack.
I’ve always found it incredibly annoying, but there’s nothing I can do about it.
“You’re a little piss ass,” Toymaker says, throwing a punch at me. I dodge out of the way and hit his jaw, knocking him back.
“Didn’t your mommy love you enough?” he tries again.
“Jokes on you. I never had a mother.”
He wraps his arms around my chest. “Then that must suck.” He tries head-butting me, but I pull back just in time. Kicking out with my foot, I land a hit to his shin. Toymaker trips andstumbles back but doesn’t fall. He’s one of the better fighters here. There’s a reason he’s made it this far in the competition.
There’s a reason I have to.
Despite failing the first round, I got an opportunity to continue, and I haven’t stopped since. I didn’t even allow myself to think about Ellie and our almost kiss the week prior leading up to this fight. Ellie and I have been avoiding each other even though all I want to do is grab her and kiss the shit out of her.
Toymaker comes back with a punch to my jaw. Shit. I need to get Ellie off my mind,
With a growl, I slip around Toymaker and jump onto his back, wrapping my legs and arms around him. I hold on even as he tries shaking me off. My hold tightens and tightens until Toymaker has no choice but to fall to his knees, his breath coming out in small pants.
I don’t let go even as he slumps to the ground. When he doesn’t get back up, I’m announced the winner.
I stand up and raise my hands above my head, letting the swell of the crowd’s applause wash over me.
I don’t see him until it’s too late.
Toymaker gets up and punches me so hard in the face, I fall to the ground and pass out.
When I wake up, I’m in the hospital.
Ellie and Mr. Moore are standing over me. “Vincent?” Ellie asks. “How are you?”
I groan and try to sit up, but my head is killing me. “Like I got hit in the fucking head.”
Ellie gently pushes me back down. “Don’t get up. Toymaker really hit you.”
“I won though, right?”
“You did,” Mr. Moore says in a tight voice. “But you almost got yourself killed. The Toymaker knocked you out in one go. That can’t happen again, Vincent. You only have one more round to win. Don’t mess up again.” He storms out of the room, leaving Ellie and me together.
She reaches out to touch my face then pulls back. “Are you ok?”
“Better now that you’re with me.” I grab her hand, unable to resist touching her.
Ellie smiles, shaking her head. “You’re a charmer.”
“Only when I’m with you.”