It lasts forever. At least, it feels that way.
My body is still shaking when he goes boneless against me, his breathing just as heavy as mine, and when he brushes his lips over my neck in a kiss that lingers, I question if I have indeed known this person for only half a day and not a lifetime.
It feels like I’ve always known him.
Our bodies fit perfectly together, and I don’t want to pull away from his embrace even just to straighten our clothing. I want to stay locked with a man whose last name I don’t even know.
And yet, it’s in his arms that I have found comfort.
You belong to me, Penny. I’ll take care of you. I’ll protect you.
I want to believe those words so badly, and with his warm breath caressing my neck and his large, muscular body covering mine, I almost do.
But then I remember the monster I am running away from and realize how dangerous it is to put my faith in a man I justmet. A man I just gave my virginity to, but that’s all I can give him. All I can take for myself.
I still need to leave.
As if hearing my thoughts, Ray pushes back to look into my eyes, and for the first few seconds our eyes lock, I seem to forget the pep talk I’ve just been giving myself. The man is truly God’s gift to humanity, with eyes that remind me of the ocean on a cool afternoon. They can turn stormy at a moment’s notice, but now, they’re calm. Pensive.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” he asks, brushing hair from my face and kissing the edge of my mouth. He pulls back to rub his thumb on my swollen lips, his blue eyes watching me with concern, and I have to fight the urge to lean into his touch. His voice and gentle touch unleash something in me I haven’t done in a long time.
My lips wobble and my eyes fill up with tears. I try to sniff them back, but they come spilling out. I would laugh at how his eyes widen with alarm if my heart wasn’t hurting. I press my face into the crook of his neck as sobs rack my body.
I don’t want this man to care!Dammit!
Why is he hugging me, kissing me like I am the most precious person in his life? He doesn’t even know me. I expected him to take me fast and rough against my stepfather’s car and then toss me aside.
Everyone else has betrayed my trust, so why not Ray?
My mother did when she married a monster and brought him into our once-happy home. My stepfather did every time he looked at me in ways he is only ever supposed to look at my mother. All my friends did when they believed the monster’s lies and disappeared on me.
“Hey, baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m so sorry.”
His words only make me sob harder. I don’t need an apology from him. He is the only person who does not need to apologize to me, and yet, he is. I need to tell him that, but I can’t stop crying.
Christ, why can’t I stop crying?
“Fuck!” Ray breathes, his voice panicked as he straightens our clothes, and even now, I expect him to push away and escape this awkward situation I am putting him in, but instead, he wraps his arms around me. “I’m sorry, angel. I’m so fucking sorry. How do I fix this? Please, tell me!”
Hug me.
Tell me that I won’t get in trouble for stealing my stepfather’s car and running away from home. That the cops won’t come after me, that my stepfather will stay away.
“I’m tired,” I say instead. “I’m so tired, Ray.”
“Okay, alright,” Ray rasps, pushing back to look at me, swiping his hand over my cheek and wiping the tears off my face. “I can take care of that. Are you okay to walk?”
“Yeah.” I nod, and he helps me off the hood of the car, wincing when I feel something wet trail down my inner thigh, but I am too embarrassed to even think about it. My cheeks are practically on fire from what just happened, and I avoid meeting his eyes.
Ray grasps my arm and helps me to my feet. “Come with me,” he says, his voice soft for such a big man. He wraps a hand around my waist and walks me away from the cars parked in the abandoned bays. It’s pure luck that his employees still haven’t returned.
As we walk through the auto shop, I notice a solid metal door, its modern design blending seamlessly with the polished surroundings. Behind the door is a narrow staircase leading up to the next floor, and I follow him without protest, though perhaps I should.
I keep forgetting that I don’t actually know this man. I know how his lips taste and the way his beard feels against my skin. I know he has an intoxicating earthy scent that clings to his skin and makes my head grow light. I know he has a deep voice that commands attention.
I’ve felt him inside of me, a moment so intimate it’s like nothing I’ve ever imagined I’d experience with anyone, but I don’t know him the way I should.
He could be a serial killer for all I know.