Page 85 of Counter Attack

According to the information Nathan had compiled in the various reports in Denton’s file, the man had been dead a month before the company discovered computers, C-4, detonators, and wiring were missing. Alexis had returned to work after the shooting and was assigned to burglary. She’d made the connection between computers she’d seen at Denton’s condo the day he’d been killed and the stolen ones. “Did you ever find the C-4 or detonators?”

Madden shook his head. “Except for the computers and a few wires, none of that stuff was at the condo, but the detonator on the bomb at the mall matched the ones missing from the excavating company.”

“Perhaps you should’ve brought Alexis back on the case.”


Alex bit back a smile as the three entered Madden’s office. Even though she’d stepped away from the two men, she’d overheard their conversation. It warmed her heart for Nathan to defend her skills, but she’d learned when she first came to the Special Investigations Division, Madden’s ego was the size of Texas—putting him down wouldn’t help their cause.

“Homicide didn’t have the information I did, but as soon as they got it, they acted on it,” she said, keeping a conciliatory note in her voice. “Before we go to Denton’s condo, I need a few minutes to go by and talk to the bomb squad commander—he just texted that the detonator from yesterday looked like the same make as the ones used in the mall bomb and the one that killed a homeless man.”

Madden stiffened. “You’re kidding.”

“Wouldn’t kid about something like that.” For the first time, the homicide detective seemed interested in them. “If you find a friend or relative of Denton’s, I’d appreciate it if you passed the name on to us.”

“Of course. Mind if I tag along to the commander’s office?”

There was no way to graciously say no. “Sure.” She turned to Nathan. “It’s on the next floor.”

When Madden stopped at the elevator, Nathan said, “One floor? I’m taking the stairs.”

Alex grinned at him. “I’ll come with you.”

When they were in the stairwell, Nathan shook his head. “Is Madden always like that?”

Alex led the way up the stairs. “Pretty much. I think his shoes are too tight,” she said over her shoulder.

His chuckle warmed her heart. “That could account for it.”

“Thanks for taking up for me back there.”

“You did a pretty good job all by yourself.”

“I try not to antagonize him too much—he wields a lot of power around here. He and the commissioner are like this.” Alex crossed her first two fingers and held them up.

“Gotcha. I’ll try to be more careful.”

She shrugged. “It works better not to make enemies.” They’d reached the next floor, and she smiled as he reached over her shoulder and pulled the door open. “Always the gentleman.”

“I try.”

“Commander’s office is at the end of the hall.”

When they arrived, Madden was already there. “Get your exercise?”

The way he said it wasn’t a compliment, so she ignored it and hoped Nathan would too. She turned to the man who’d defused the fake bomb yesterday. “So, you think the detonator on the fake bomb was the same kind Denton used?”

“Personally, yes, but we won’t know for sure until it’s been analyzed.” Carl leaned back in his chair. “I’ve sent it to a lab along with two others for comparison. One from the company that Denton stole his from and what was left of the detonator on the mall bomb after the robot detonated it. Probably won’t have an answer for a month or more.”

That was too long. With Carl’s experience, she had as much confidence in him as a lab. “What’s your guess?”

He thought a minute. “I’d be surprised if it’s not the same brand as the other two. Do you have any idea where he may have made his bombs? There wasn’t anything at the condo.”

“Did you search the place yourself?” Nathan asked.

Carl shook his head. “We did a cursory search, but the task force handled the biggest part of the investigation.”

Alex shifted her focus to the homicide detective. “Did you see a safe? Or any place he could’ve hidden his bomb-making material?”