This is it. Tell him.A lump squeezed her throat, making it impossible for her to speak. She lifted her gaze, and the pain in his blue eyes loosened the chains around her heart. Alex pressed her lips together and touched his cheek. Then she took a deep breath. “Maybe today?”
His eyes widened. “Are you sure?”
She nodded, and her heart drummed against her ribs as his gaze traveled to her lips. Nathan drew her closer until he was only a heartbeat away. Longing like she’d never felt before washed over Alex, and she held her breath, waiting.
His kiss was tentative at first but as she responded, he pressed his lips against hers, capturing not only her lips but her heart as well. She lost herself in his embrace as her whole world exploded into fireworks.
When he released her, she lay her head on his chest, feeling his galloping heartbeat match her own.
He leaned back and tilted her face toward his. “Have I ever told you that I love you?”
His gentle words took what little breath his kiss had left. “Maybe,” she whispered.
“Just didn’t want to let another minute pass without telling you again.”
The love in his eyes undid her, but she refused to cry. Not until she did what she came here for. “I ... this is so hard for me.” She looked down, then took a deep breath and lifted her gaze. “When I was in the water, my biggest regret was that I hadn’t told you how I felt.”
She swallowed hard and looked away from him toward the lake.
She turned to face him again and almost lost herself in his blue eyes. Her heart beat so hard she could barely breathe. “I-I love you too.”
Nathan picked her up and swung her around. “Thank you, God!” He set her down. “You’ll stay here in Pearl Springs?”
Alex couldn’t ask him to give up the town he loved. She gave him a tiny smile. “It’s growing on me.”