“What’s that?” Alexis said, pointing at the space he’d just passed the beam over.
“Where?” He looked toward where she pointed.
“There.” She pointed again.
Mark stepped closer to the wall. “I see it!”
Nathan moved closer to Alexis. “Shine your light on it.”
It looked as though a bag had been wedged between two of the stalactites that hung from the cave ceiling. “Can you reach it?” Nathan asked.
“If I climb up on this ridge with the stalagmites.”
“Wait,” Nathan said. “The kidnapper probably did the same thing. We need to check for any evidence he might have left behind.”
He shined a light on the area, not seeing anything unusual. “Go ahead.”
Mark climbed up on the flat ridge and then braced against a stalagmite. “Got it!” He hopped down. “It’s a note to Al—”
An explosion rocked the cave, knocking Nathan backward. He slammed against the cave wall, and pain jolted the back of his head as he slid to the rocky floor. When his head cleared, he looked around, thankful the light on his helmet still worked. A slab of limestone had slipped out of place. If it came down, they were all dead. Once again, they had underestimated Phame. Thank goodness he’d told his dispatcher and sergeant where he was going.
Another light cast an eerie glow in the dusty room. Alexis. Or Mark. Where were they? He called both their names, but he couldn’t hear his voice for the ringing in his ears. And neither would they.
Nathan needed more light. He rolled over on his knees andgrabbed the light he’d dropped, flashing it around the room. Alexis lay faceup on the floor, unconscious. Mark sat beside the stalagmites, coughing and shaking his head. Neither of their helmet lights were working.
Nathan crawled to Alexis and felt for a pulse. When he found it—strong and steady—he almost lost it.Thank God.
Alexis fluttered her eyes open, and he turned her face toward him. “You’re okay.” He was pretty sure she couldn’t hear what he said, but maybe she could read his lips.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Coughing shook her body, and she rolled over and hugged her chest.
The cave floor trembled. They had to get out of here. But which way? The explosion had sounded as though it came from the mouth of the cave. It had happened right after Mark grabbed the bag, but they would have noticed C-4 and a cord if there’d been one attached. The alternative terrified him—someone must have followed them to the cave and triggered the explosion.
Nathan shifted his gaze to Mark and pointed at him before he put his hand to his ear. “Can you hear anything?”
The deputy shook his head. Nathan pointed toward the two passages and then toward the passage they’d used to get into the cavern and held his hands up in the universal question position.
Mark pointed toward the one they’d come in on and slapped his hands together like an explosion. That’s where Nathan had thought the explosion originated, so they couldn’t go back the way they’d come.
Then Mark pointed to the other two passages. “Which one?” he mouthed.
Good question. Either passage could take them deeper into the mountain instead of out. He pressed his palms together, then tapped his chest and pointed to Mark, who gave him athumbs-up. The cave floor trembled again, and Nathan shut his eyes and sent up a flare prayer for direction. Literally.
He didn’t know if it was God or his own feelings, but he was drawn to the passage on the left. When he opened his eyes and looked toward Mark, he indicated the left passage as well.
Nathan nodded and leaned over Alexis and shook her shoulder. Fear flashed in her eyes when they popped open, then their eyes connected, and she relaxed. He didn’t know how he’d make her understand, but it didn’t seem that the ringing in his ears was as bad. “Can you hear me?” he yelled.
She frowned. “W-what?”
No use. He stood and pointed at the passage.
Alexis shook her head.
“You have to!” He extended his arm. “Give me your hand.”
She didn’t move and just stared at him. Nathan would get her out of this room before it fell in, even if he had to carry her out fireman style. “Take my hand.” He said it even though she couldn’t hear him.
She looked from him to Mark and then took Nathan’s hand. He pulled her to her feet then checked his watch. Ten forty-six? It seemed as though they’d been in the cave for hours.