Page 7 of Counter Attack


“Okay.” He reluctantly let go of her hand and let the paramedics take over.

Nathan rubbed his neck. His former boss would chew him up and spit him out if he didn’t call and let him know what was going on. But he’d promised Alexis he wouldn’t call the Russell County sheriff until morning. Kayla approached him, her arms still wrapped around her waist.

“Is she going to be okay?”

“I think so.” He’d seen worse gunshot wounds, but they hadn’t involved Alexis. Nathan slipped his jacket over Kayla’s shoulders.


“I appreciate what you did, but it was awfully dangerous.”

“I was afraid if he took her away, he’d kill her for sure. Is she your friend?”

“Something like that.”

Nathan stayed close to the scene as the paramedics treated Alexis. Best he could tell, she was going to make it. She had to. Once they had her loaded into the ambulance, he asked the lead paramedic what her condition was.

“I’m not a doctor,” the paramedic said.

“You know if she’s stable or not.”

“She’s stable, now let me get her to the hospital.” Without another word, he hopped in the back of the ambulance.

Alexis had to be all right. It would break the Stones’ hearts if something happened to their only grandchild after losingtheir son to a landmine in Iraq years ago. Not to mention Nathan’s heart.

If tonight had done nothing else, it had shown him he’d never stopped loving Alexis, and that he wanted a second chance with her.


The ambulance sped away with flashing red and white strobe lights, taking Nathan’s heart with it. Alexis would immediately go into surgery, and he wanted to be there. Instead, duty held him to the crime scene. Parker and Watkins needed his statement, and Nathan needed Kayla Jackson’s and the answers to a few questions he had.

He looked for Kayla. She’d returned to the transit bench. Nathan had seen her talking to Parker and was pretty sure she’d given her statement. So, why hadn’t she left? He walked to the bench. “You okay?” he asked when she looked up.

Kayla shivered as she pulled his jacket closer. “Not really.”

“I want to thank you for what you did. Pretty sure you saved my friend’s life.”

“I wish I could’ve kept her from getting shot.”

“The paramedics believe she’ll make it.” He rubbed the side of his face. “You’re probably tired of repeating what happened, but do you think you could go over it one more time for me?”

“You’re a cop, aren’t you?”

Nathan showed her his badge.

Her eyes widened. “Wow! A chief of police.”

“Yeah. Pearl Springs is small, so the job isn’t as impressive as it sounds.” He hooked the badge on his belt. “Do you mind answering a couple of questions?”

“But this didn’t happen in Pearl Springs.”

“I know, but Alexis and I go way back. Her grandfather will want to know what happened, so anything you can tell me will help.”

She cocked her head and quirked her mouth. “If you’ll tell me why you acted like you didn’t know her at the bar.”

So she’d seen their exchange. When he didn’t respond right away, Kayla said, “Lexi is a cop, isn’t she?”