Page 68 of Counter Attack

The attendant rolled a gurney to the front of the victim’s car, and the doctor turned to Nathan. “You mind helping?”

“Of course not.”

After they loaded the body and the ME drove away, Nathan joined Alexis. The tow truck had arrived to take the vehicle to the impound lot where Dylan and Taylor could conduct a thorough investigation.

“Before you get started on that,” Alexis said, talking to her two crime scene investigators, “I need one of you to search the woods next to the walking track and the other to dig out a spent bullet from my bookcase.”

Nathan spoke up. “And I think we can get the trajectory of the bullet from where it went through the window.”

Dylan crossed his arms. “Something happen we don’t know about?”

Alexis nodded grimly. “Someone took a shot at me ... although it could’ve been meant for Nathan, but probably not.”

“As soon as we get this to the impound lot, we’ll start our search.” Taylor glanced toward Mark Lassiter, who was helping put the three boys in separate squad cars. “Does Mark know?”

“Yes,” Alexis replied. “I’ve asked him to bring Gem to search the area.”

“That’ll help,” Dylan said.

“See you at the jail.”

Nathan walked with her to their vehicles parked outside the gravel pit. “Okay, what’re you thinking?”

She didn’t immediately respond, instead kept her gaze on the rocky terrain until they were out of the quarry and at their vehicles. “I think with this last note and clipping, we need to sit down and figure out the killer’s motive and if we’re dealing with one killer or two.”

Nathan agreed and opened her car door, not caring whether she liked it or not. Alexis looked as though she could use a little TLC. “I feel like we’re in a cat and mouse game, especially if the killer killed Martin and then came to the jail to shoot you. Once your deputies process the crime scene, maybe they’ll find something that will point us in the right direction.”

“And in the meantime, I need to notify Mrs. Martin that her son is dead.” Alexis pressed the start button on the car. “You following me?”

“I know where the Martins live. Why don’t I take lead?”

“Because I called the hospital, and Mrs. Martin is at work. Her shift doesn’t end until six. Thought I’d go by there and then see to it that she gets home all right.”

An hour and a half later, they left a stoic Valerie Martin in her living room, planning a funeral. When they’d questioned her about her son, she claimed she hadn’t seen him all day—that he’d been asleep when she left for work at five thirty. She did give them a list of friends to contact.

Nathan looked over the list while Alexis drove him back to the hospital to pick up his vehicle. He’d driven Mrs. Martin’s car to her house while she rode with Alexis.

“Recognize any of the names?” Alexis asked.

“Unfortunately. I doubt any of them will be much help in finding his killer, since I doubt they’ll give us so much as a ‘howdy.’”

At the hospital, Nathan unfastened his seat belt and turned to Alexis. “Might be a good idea to use the sally port when you get to the jail.” She opened her mouth, and he held up his hand. “Hear me out.”

He figured she would protest driving into the covered pull-through entrance and exit normally used to transfer a prisoner from a vehicle to the jail. “It’s a good safety precaution until we catch whoever is trying to kill you.”

Her lips compressed into a firm line, then she took a breath. “I don’t believe they’re trying to kill me, just keep me off guard. Whoever took control of the SUV could’ve crashed it into a tree or bridge abutment, and either the person is a terrible shot, or they were purposefully missing us both last night and this morning.”

“I’ll grant you that this person could be toying with you, but you never know when they might decide it’s time to get down to business. You’d be an easy target walking from your parking space to the building.” He dipped his head toward Alexis. “It’s not that much trouble to use the sally port.”

She held his gaze, then slowly her shoulders relaxed. “Okay,” she muttered. “I don’t like it, but neither am I stupid enough to ignore a safety precaution.”

“Thank you.” Nathan blew out a breath, feeling like he’d fought an epic battle and won.


Alex parked in the sally port and texted Mark and the CSI team where to meet her.

“Did they find anything?” Nathan asked when he joined her.