“Why you were at Coles Creek,” he said.
She nodded. “That’s all I remember.”
“You’re certain this girl wouldn’t hurt you?” Clayton asked.
“She wouldn’t. If I had my phone ... it has her number in it...”
“Where’s your phone?” Madison asked.
“My purse. Bri used it to find a restroom on the Trace, and when she finished, that’s where I put it.”
“And your purse is in your car.” Madison rubbed the back of her neck. “Do you think she would answer it?”
Dani’s eyes lit up. “She might. Let’s try.”
She rattled off her number, but before Madison dialed it, Clayton stopped her. “Don’t! If it rings, she may not answer and might even get rid of it. Call that analyst—she can pinpoint the location.”
“You’re right.” Madison should have thought of that. She redialed Allyson’s number and had her on the line in less than a minute and gave her the phone number.
Quicker than Madison expected, Allyson came back on the line. “You’re not going to believe this.”
“It shows the phone is where you are—Merit Hospital in Natchez.”
They both stood and turned to Dani.
“What make and model car do you drive?” Clayton asked.
“What does she look like?” Madison asked at the same time.
Dani shrank back, probably because of their strident tones.
“I’m sorry.” Clayton gentled his voice. “Let’s try this again. Your car—”
“Beige Honda Civic. It’s a 2015 model.”
“And how will we recognize Bri?” Madison asked.
“Just look for someone five sixish, lots of earrings, dressedin black ... spiked hair, also black, and a few tattoos. But...” She tried to raise up and fell back on the bed.
Madison hovered over her. “Are you all right?”
“Yes. Bri is very fragile, especially when it comes to men.” Dani took a breath. “Madison ... maybe you could approach her.”
“I don’t have a problem with that. You?” She exchanged glances with Clayton.
“It’s a good idea.” He tilted his head toward Dani. “Do you keep a weapon in the car?”
“Yes ... but it’s locked up. I have a permit.” Dani gripped Madison’s arm with her free hand. “Please. Don’t let Bri get hurt.”
She hesitated, hating to promise something she might not be able to do. “Could she have gained access to the gun?”
“No. Combination safe.” Dani’s voice became weaker with each word.
Madison squeezed her hand. “If we find your car, I’ll make sure she’s not hurt.”
She barely heard the thank-you as she hurried after Clayton. Neither spoke until they stepped through the front entrance. “She’ll probably be parked in a far corner,” she said.