Page 92 of Obsession

A quick call to Brooke revealed she was up near Jackson, and so was Clayton, so they were out. His next call was to Pete Nelson.

“I have three officers out with the flu and I’m short-staffed,”the chief said after Sam explained the situation. “The best I can do is have an officer drive by every hour.”

That beat nothing. “I appreciate that. Have you received the license plate readers?”

“A deputy just dropped them off this afternoon. They should be installed by tomorrow,” Nelson said.

“Why don’t I pick them up and hang them myself? I’ve installed the cameras before.” Anything to get them in place.

“That would be great.”

Sam ended the call and dialed Nate. “Do you have a deputy you can spare? I don’t want to leave Emma unprotected, and the Natchez PD are short-staffed and Brooke is two hours away.”

Nate was silent for a second, then he said, “Let me call one of the constables. I’ll get right back to you.”

They had almost finished eating when Nate called and Sam put the call on speaker. “Jay Blackwell is on his way to her apartment.”

“I know him,” Emma said. “He goes to my church.”

Sam thanked Nate and hung up. “I’ll wait until he gets here,” he said.

“This regional sharing system. Once you enter the data, what kind of information will you get?”

“The program will tell me if any part of the information fits other murders in this region. If I don’t get a hit, I’ll enter the file into the national database.”

“So you really don’t think Mary Jo’s murder was an isolated case?”

Sam lifted his shoulder slightly. “I don’t know, but after learning she received daisies from an unknown admirer, I have to wonder. Daisies aren’t your typical flower to send to someone you love.”

Emma shivered and rubbed her arm just as Sam’s phone rang. It was the constable and he was parked out front. After Sam disconnected, he turned to Emma. He shouldn’t have made that comment to her about the daisies. “Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine. Go. You have work to do.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “And if I’m going to my dinner with Corey, I need to get ready.”

Sam caught himself before he reacted. And it was not a jealous reaction.Then what was it?The question was in his mind before he could blink. He’d checked Corey Chandler out and discovered the man was a respectable attorney and involved in several worthwhile charities. In fact, he seemed perfect. Maybe that was Sam’s problem with the man. No one was perfect.

“You sure you’re up to it?”

“No, but it’ll be better than sitting here, dwelling on what happened this afternoon.”

Sam agreed but wished it were him she was going out with. “Do you think Corey will tell you his client’s name?”

“That’s my whole purpose in agreeing to the meeting.”

“Please be careful around him. You don’t know him that well.”

“He’s a respected member of the bar, so I figure I’ll be perfectly safe,” she said, smiling. “Besides, I can take care of myself.”

The image of Sandra Wyatt’s bloody body lying on the path ambushed him. If that happened to Emma ... “I know you can, but whoever killed Mary Jo and attacked her family is smart, and that makes him dangerous.”

His caution drained the levity from her face, and Sam pulled her into his arms, feeling her body tremble. “I didn’t mean to frighten you, but...” He looked down into her emerald eyes, and his world tilted.

“I know,” she whispered.

“I have to go catch a killer.” He’d rather stay with her, hold her in his arms.

“And I have to get a shower.” She kissed him lightly on the cheek. “Stay safe.”

“That goes double for you.”