Page 71 of Obsession

“And you really shouldn’t leave that back door unlocked.”

Emma’s gaze shot to the door. She couldn’t have left it unlocked. She always double-checked to make sure everything was secured before she left. But had she this morning? It’d been hectic with Sam and Nate both here, and then the DNA test...

“I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again,” she said.

“How’s your hand?”

She glanced at her bandaged right hand. “It doesn’t hurt as much ... I wonder if I can take this bulky wrap off?”

“We’ll see. I’ll check it in a bit.”

“Thanks,” she said. “Sam will be here soon, so I’m going in to take a shower and change.”

Her dad eyed the dirt on her knees and scuffed toes of her boots. “What have you been doing?”

“Nothing major. Just excavating a bit at Mount Locust,” she said, keeping her tone casual.

“The slave cemetery?”

“No. Corey Chandler has a client who doesn’t want us to bother the cemetery. I’m trying to work something out there.” Then before he could ask more about the dig, she added, “His client doesn’t seem to mind if I explore where the cabins were located, so I’ll start there next.”

“That should be interesting, but aren’t you off tomorrow?”

“I’m volunteering a few hours,” she said.

“This project must be important to you.”

If he only knew. “It is, and I only have the GPR machine a week.”

“I’m off Thursday. I might drop by.”

“Good. Be back in a bit.” She stopped at the door. “Oh, I brought home a gray tabby that’s been hanging around the visitor center—don’t let her out.”

“I’ll try not to,” he said. “Are you keeping her?”

“Until I can find her a good home,” Emma said.

Her dad opened his mouth, then shut it and shook his head. Just like he used to do when she was a kid and found a stray kitten. When Emma stepped back inside the kitchen, Suzy sat at the door with a look that was plainly unhappy. Emma laughed. She’d forgotten how much cats disliked being on the other side of a closed door. “Sorry.” She grabbed a bread wrapper to keep her hand dry and hurried to the bedroom with Suzy close behind.

After she showered, Emma chose a burgundy sweater and a pair of jeans to slip into. She loved to wear red, and burgundy was the best shade for her copper-colored hair. Suzy hopped up on her dressing table, another gift from her mother, along with the makeup and bottles of lotions and nail polish. Sitting in front of her mirror, she loosened her hair and brushed it out, letting it fall softly around her face. Maybe she’d wear it this way tonight instead of pulling it up in a ponytail again.

She wasn’t wearing it down because she’d seen the admiration in Sam’s eyes last night when she’d stepped out of the maintenance building. It was easier to manage. Yeah, right. Who was she kidding? After a quick brush of powder to her face, Emma dabbed on lipstick, something she could easily do with her left hand. The doorbell rang and she hurried to the living room with the cat trailing behind her just as her dad let Brooke into the apartment.

“Long time, no see,” her dad said.

“I know. You’re looking good, Mr. Winters,” Brooke said, slipping her backpack off her shoulders and setting it on the floor.

“How many times have I told you to call me Jack? You make me feel old.”

“Sorry. I’ll try to do better.” She turned to Emma and fanned herself with her left hand. “Don’t you think it’s a little warm in here?” she asked and wiggled her fingers.

Emma gasped when she saw the ring. “Shut the front door! Luke proposed! And you’re just now telling me!”

“Yep.” Brooke’s grin spread across her face. “I had to see your face when I told you.”

Emma grabbed Brooke’s hand and inspected the ring. The diamond was an emerald cut surrounded by smaller diamonds. “It’s beautiful. But why were you working today? You should have been out celebrating!”

“Luke was just in for yesterday, but he’ll be back next weekend and we’ll celebrate then.”