Page 64 of Obsession

“How about Thursday night?” Nate asked and slipped the card and envelope into an evidence bag.

“Yeah,” Emma said from the kitchen.

“I think you caught someone digging and he was trying to scare you off.”

“Do you think it’s the same person?”

“Could be,” Sam said. “But more than likely the shooting at Mount Locust is tied to Ryan’s death.”

“You think we’re dealing with two different people.” Naterubbed his jaw. “Makes sense, because the shooting Thursday night was definitely aimed at Emma. Anyone in love with her wouldn’t be taking potshots at her.”

“I said obsessed because I don’t think this person knows what love is,” Sam said. “Of course, he probably thinks he’s in love, and quite possibly believes she returns his feelings.”

The final gurgle from the coffeepot let her know it was finished, and she escaped to the kitchen. After pouring Nate a cup, she took it to him and then refilled her own cup, hoping more caffeine would clear the fog in her brain. She simply couldn’t comprehend that someone was obsessed with her and was willing to kill because of it. “You really think the person was firing at you Friday night?”

“If I hadn’t stooped to catch your keys, the bullet would have nailed me, not you. If I’m right, your stalker believes I pose a threat to his relationship with you.”

Cold chills shivered down her back. She’d only halfway embraced the idea someone was stalking her, but now, there was no question. But who could it be? Wouldn’t it have to be someone she knew or at least came in contact with? That would encompass a lot of suspects. Emma gulped a sip of coffee and winced as the hot liquid burned her mouth and throat.

When she could speak again, she asked, “If someone were obsessed with me, wouldn’t he make himself known?” When neither man answered, she said, “It wasn’t a rhetorical question.”

Sam rubbed his jaw. “It depends. He may not be ready to let you know how he feels. Or he thinks you already know, and you return his feelings.”

“He could be like John Hinckley Jr., the guy who shot a president because he was in love with Jodie Foster,” Nate said. “He was obsessed with her, and she didn’t have a clue he existed for years.”

“Then he would have to be crazy, right? And I don’t know anyone who is that mentally off balance. I think we need to comeup with a different scenario, because I don’t buy your theory that it’s two different shooters. That would be some coincidence.”

“But not impossible,” Nate said. “Either way, you weren’t supposed to be at Mount Locust. Like Sam, I think you surprised the intruder, and he fired at you as a ploy to distract you so he could get away.”

Emma pondered that. She hadn’t driven into the visitor center parking lot that night, so there would not have been any headlights announcing her arrival. He must have heard her when she climbed the steps to the inn. And the bullet that plowed into the postwasway over her head. She set her empty cup down. “This is just so hard to take in.”

“You can’t think of anyone who might think they’re in love with you?” Sam asked, pacing her living room. “Like Trey? Or someone else you’ve dated?”

“I’ve stayed friends with most of my exes,” Emma said wryly. “Even went to some of their weddings.” When Sam shot a curious glance at her, she lifted her hands. “What can I say? I’m usually good at breaking up and staying friends. As for Trey, I just have a hard time believing he’d shoot at me ... or you.”

“I don’t think it’s my deputy either,” Nate said. “Except, if he is still asking you out and you’re saying no, he is the type to become obsessed about winning you over.”

She frowned, remembering his apology yesterday. “I just don’t buy it being him. Besides, he told me he’d turned over a new leaf.”


After the sheriff entered Emma’s apartment building, he jogged down the street, then crossed over to her side and came back toward the apartment. Keeping his head ducked, he stopped beside the rear tire of Ryker’s SUV and pretended to tie his shoes but instead planted a GPS tracker in the wheel well.

Then he jogged to the corner and back to his car. The ranger had been in her apartment for over an hour now, but at least they weren’t alone. But what could she be talking to him and the sheriff about for this long? He hadn’t expected her to call anyone when he shoved the card under her door. He only wanted her to be aware Ryker wasn’t to be trusted.

Were they talking about the card he left? Surely not. He needed a way to know what was going on in her apartment. Maybe a bug. Yes! That’s what he would do. He should have ordered one when he bought the tracker, but the local discount store had them. A quick check of his watch indicated there was time to pick one up before he had to be somewhere. Maybe he’d get two.

Still he hesitated to leave, wanting to see if Emma left with Ryker.

Maybe he’d stay just a few minutes longer.


Emma rolled her shoulders. Her body felt as though she’d pulled an all-nighter, and she needed more caffeine if she was going to work today. It’d been hard enough to think one person was trying to kill her. Now the thought of being in the crosshairs of two different people was almost more than she could take.

Nate checked his watch. “The morning briefing is in twenty minutes, so let’s discuss this later at Mount Locust.” He opened the briefcase he’d brought in. “I have the two DNA kits. Thought as long as I was here, we could get this taken care of.”

Her heart stuttered. She hadn’t expected him to bring the tests to her. When Nate handed her the paper-encased cotton swabs, Emma hesitated, then took them and peeled back the paper on one. “How do I do this?”