Page 44 of Obsession

Her grandmother had used a benzodiazepine sometimes for anxiety. Once she’d used too much and was out cold when Emma found her. “That stuff will knock you out. Are they okay?”

“Yeah. But Trey also got a blow to his head when he woke up too soon.”

Her mind whirled. This didn’t make sense. “Start at the beginning.”

She listened as he explained. When he finished, Emma said, “And you’re certain they unearthed more of the site?”

“The pit was only a little over three feet deep yesterday, right?” When she nodded, he said, “The hole now measures four feet.”

Emma didn’t know what to think. Other than that someone really wanted whatever was buried there. She pushed away the dark thought that wormed its way into her mind, but it wouldn’t stay gone. “What do you think this person is looking for?”

Sam’s lips pressed together in a thin line. “For someone to go to this much trouble and risk going to jail, if I were a betting man, I’d bet on a body. Especially since the GPR machine indicated the original hole was the same length and width as the graves.”

She processed his words. This time the fear she’d kept at bay threatened to crush her.

“It’s not Ryan,” she said, her voice breaking. Even saying the words stabbed her heart.

“I didn’t say it was, but you may need to prepare yourself for someone’s skeletal remains.”


Emma stared out the window as the trees passed by in a blur. Mount Locust was just ahead. “What if the person recovered whatever was buried?” she asked. “If he did, we’ll never know what was there.”

“I hope he didn’t have time to remove everything. First Trey woke up, and then I arrived, but we should know soon enough. Nate’s crime scene techs should be there processing the scene.”

“Does that mean I can’t finish the dig?”

“Depends on whether they’re through. I found a shoe print in the bottom of the pit, and they cast it last night,” he said.

Emma sat up straight. One problem after another, but nothing was stopping her from finding the truth. Could all of this be happening because someone didn’t want her exploring the Mount Locust site? Or was it something more sinister? Did it have anything to do with Ryan’s disappearance or Mary Jo Selby’s murder? She needed that PI’s report.

“I see Nate’s already here,” Sam said and turned off the Trace.

She glanced toward the maintenance area. Several cars and SUVs were parked there, including one with the sheriff’s department logo on it. “Let me out, and I’ll unlock the gate and walk to the visitor center,” she said. Saturday was one of their busier days, and Emma needed to unlock the door for the volunteer.

“I can drop you in the parking lot.”

“That’s silly. I can use the time to let my mom know I’m coming tonight. Besides, it’s only a quarter of a mile, and I need the exercise. I didn’t get in my normal run yesterday or today. And don’t see it happening tomorrow either.”

He nodded. “As you wish.”

She shot him a quick glance, and he appeared as surprised as she felt. Whatever made him think ofThe Princess Bride? She’d discovered the movie on VHS tape when she was sixteen, and Ryan and Sam had teased her mercilessly when they learned she’d worn the tape out.

Emma tried to think of a quote from the movie that would fit as a response, but nothing came to mind, so she rolled her eyes instead. He laughed out loud and then seemed to catch himself and turned somber.

“I’ll see you in a few minutes,” she said and grabbed her backpack.

With the lively bagpipe music fromThe Princess Briderunning through her head, her feet wanted to dance as she hurried to the visitor center. For a few minutes, it had been like old times with Sam. Just before she reached the building, she called her mom and confirmed she would be there by seven thirty. When she disconnected, the gray tabby bounded around the corner of the building.

“Are you hungry, Suzy?” Emma chuckled, wondering what she’d do if the cat answered. It followed her in when she pushed open the door and stood by the bowl Emma had put behind the desk. If it weren’t for raccoons, she would feed Suzy outside. “Okay. Give me a second.”

She texted her volunteer and told her the visitor center was open, then picked up the bag of cat food, almost dropping it as she tried to navigate the bag with her left hand. Using that hand was getting old fast.

While she waited for Suzy to finish eating, she received a text from Sheila that she was approaching the turnoff. Good. Suzy finished her dry food, and Emma shooed her out the door.

While the cat seemed to be making it okay at the visitor center, if she didn’t take her home, Emma would have to drive to Mount Locust to feed the kitten on her days off. Either way, the little thing would be by herself a couple of days a week. Mentally she added a cat carrier to the list of things she needed to get if she took the cat home with her. That way she could bring her back and forth.

Still feeling the lighthearted music in her heart, Emma paused while the cat wound herself around her legs. She’d better enjoy this moment of calm. No telling what the rest of the day might bring.