“Looks like one to me,” Sam said. “We may have gotten lucky.”
“I’ll get a tech out here to cast it ASAP, but processing the rest of the crime scene can wait until morning.”
Sam checked his watch. Almost one thirty. Too late to call Emma and tell her about the new developments. He hadn’t asked her if she’d considered they might be excavating a grave, but maybe he needed to prepare her ... just in case.
Emma looked out her window. No sign of Sam. She checked her watch. He was five minutes late already. She’d seriously considered renting a vehicle with an automatic transmission until she remembered that if she drove after being advised by a doctor not to and had an accident, her insurance wouldn’t pay.
She picked up her phone, scrolled to Sam’s name, and punched it. He answered on the first ring.
“I’m turning on your street now. Give me a minute to look around.”
“What’s your excuse this time?”
“Afraid I don’t have one.”
She laughed. “At least you’re honest. Ring me when I can come down.”
Shaking her head, Emma slid her phone in her back pocket. People like Sam just didn’t have any concept of time. They always thought they could crowd one more thing into their schedule. She moved from the window and grabbed the clothes she planned to wear after work just as her cell phone rang again. Jack Winters showed on her caller ID.
“Dad, is something wrong?” Emma suppressed a groan. She sounded just like her mother.
He chuckled. “Does there have to be something wrong for a man to call his daughter?”
His upbeat baritone calmed her nerves. “No, but I can’t remember the last time you called me at seven thirty on a Saturday morning.”
“I wouldn’t have if you’d called me last night.”
She stared at her bandaged hand. “Dr. Cole phoned you.”
“No, I ran into Corey Chandler. He said he saw you at Jug Head’s. How is your hand this morning?”
“Okay. It hardly even hurts.” Unless she forgot and tried to use it. Or let it dangle.
“How about if I stop by and check it out later today?”
“You don’t get enough nursing on the job?” she teased.
“I rarely get to take care of anyone now.”
Emma had been a little surprised when her dad moved into the administrative side of nursing. “Thank you for your offer, but I’m leaving for Mount Locust any minute now.”
“How are you getting there?”
“Sam Ryker is picking me up.”
“I’d heard he was back in town. How is he?”
Her parents had always liked Sam and, unlike her, had never blamed him for Ryan’s disappearance. “Fine. He’s taken over the district ranger position on the Trace from Natchez to Jackson.”
“Good. About time he came home. Is tonight a good time for me to drop by?”
She hesitated. “I’m having dinner with Mom tonight if I can get someone to take me to Jackson.”
“I can take you.”
That would just be weird, but it was an option. “I can’t ask you to do that. Sam will take me.”