“I broke a bone in my hand.” Emma explained to her mom what had happened.
“You’ve started on the Mount Locust project?”
“Something like that. Let me call around and see if I can get someone to run me up there tomorrow night,” Emma said. “I’ll let you know first thing in the morning.”
Once again there was silence, then her mother said, “I’m sorry I haven’t exactly been there for you on your birthday, but you understand why, don’t you?”
“It’s not easy for me either,” she said.
“I know, honey. I’ll wait to hear from you before I make reservations.”
“I’ll make it happen someway.” Emma would have to take a change of clothes to work. Her mom favored high-end restaurantsand would frown if she showed up in a park service uniform. Seconds after she disconnected, her phone rang. Her friend Brooke Danvers. Emma punched the accept button. “Hey,” she said. “When did you get home?”
“About half an hour ago,” Brooke said. “How’s your hand?”
“Hurting, but I’ll survive. How did you find out?”
“Sam told me.”
Emma should have known. “How’d the trial go?” Her friend had arrested two teens on the Trace for driving a stolen car. Not a big case, but time-consuming since one of the teens was the son of a wealthy businessman, and his high-dollar attorney was dragging out the case.
“About like you’d expect—he got off with community service.”
“Maybe he’ll learn something.”
“You always were the optimist.” They both laughed, and Brooke said, “What’s going on at Mount Locust? Sam told me just enough about your accident to whet my interest before he had to hang up.”
Emma glanced at her bandaged hand. Maybe Brooke could take her to Jackson and even back and forth to work. “It’s a long story. What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Luke’s back in town, and we have a date tomorrow night.”
Her heart sank. There went asking Brooke to take her to Jackson. That only left Sam. “How about during the day?”
“Thought you might like to do a little digging.”
“At Mount Locust? I’d love to, but I have a hair appointment at ten, and no way can I cancel—you know how hard it is to get in with Miranda, and besides, Luke is picking me up at four.” She paused. “What’s this all about?”
“Nothing.” Just like nothing was working out like Emma wanted. It looked like it would be her and Sam tomorrow.
“I don’t believe you. Spill it.”
“With my hand wrapped, I’m not supposed to drive. Don’tgive it another thought. Sam will take me.” She hoped. Emma balanced the phone between her chin and shoulder. “Are you working Sunday?”
“Would you mind giving me a ride to Mount Locust? And then picking me up after five?”
“Sure, but why do I think there’s more to this story than you’re telling?”
Emma sighed. “It’s a little awkward being around Sam after the way I broke up with him.”
“Don’t you think you should work that out? With him back in Natchez and working as a ranger, you’ll be running into him all the time.”
“Yeah, but we still have too much bad history between us.”
“Only if you let it. It’s really your choice,” Brooke said.