Page 117 of Obsession

“And be sure to take every precaution to keep yourself safe,” Marsh chimed in.

“But it was my brother who was killed, and I was the one shot at. You’re not locking me out.”

“Emma,” Sam said softly. “What if this man learned you’reworking with me to try to put him in jail? He could very well turn on you and decide if he can’t have you, no one can. I don’t plan to tell your parents they’ve lost another child.”

She hugged her arms to her waist. Her life was spiraling out of control, and there wasn’t one thing she could do about it. “You’ll keep me informed about what’s going on, right?”

Her face grew hot under Sam’s probing eyes. “Yes, but I want you to promise not to go anywhere alone and that you’ll keep your door locked at all times.”

“I’m already doing that. But how about you? He tried to kill you.”

“Don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself.”

Sam’s smile fell short of reassuring her. If they were right that the cases were connected, this man had already killed six people and wounded two others. She caught her breath. “I wonder how Mr. Selby and his daughter are?”

“Last I heard, they were still critical,” Sam said.

“Could you call about them?” Emma desperately wanted them to survive the attack. And just as desperately she wanted to catch the man responsible.

Sam unhooked his cell phone from his belt and called the hospital. After he spoke a few words to someone, he said, “Thanks. If there’s any change, could you let me know?” Then he turned to the others. “The daughter seems to be improving, but Mr. Selby is still critical.”

Emma pressed her lips together and stared at her white knuckles as she gripped the table edge with her good hand. “We have to catch this man before he harms someone else,” she said and raised her head. “If he wants me so badly, maybe we could use me as bait. Set up a scenario—”

“No!” Sam thundered. “You are not getting anywhere near this psycho.”

“He’s right,” Lane said. “You could get hurt ... or worse.”

“But I can’t live like this.”

“We’ll catch him,” Sam promised. He turned to Marsh. “Send me a list of people you think I need to interview in Oxford.” Then he turned to Lane. “I assume there’s a list in the report you gave me, but is there anyone I can talk to while we’re in Jackson?”

The Hinds County investigator glanced over his papers. “There’s one. The victim’s sister lives just off Highway 18. I’ll give her a call and tell her to expect you ... in what, the next hour?”

“That’ll work.”

Emma gathered her papers. Since Sam couldn’t drop her off anywhere, at least she’d get to sit in on this interview.


With his other problem taken care of, he’d been free to follow Ryker and Emma from Natchez to the Hinds County Sheriff’s Department, his frustration and anger growing with each mile. Ryker was forcing Emma to go with him, but the ranger would soon be out of the picture. If only he’d had some way of recording the meeting with the investigator.

Not to worry, though. Emma would fill him in. She looked out for him that way. Just last night when he looked at her Facebook posts, he saw her coded message to him, telling him to be careful, that Ryker would stop at nothing to get rid of him. Her last post had been worded to let him know she was deeply in love with him.

His breath stilled as Emma and the ranger exited the sheriff’s department. He fell in behind them, keeping at least two cars back. When they reached the Natchez Trace, it would be harder to stay invisible. His anxiety grew when Ryker exited off I-20 onto Highway 18.Where is he going?

Raymond. His mouth dried. Kimberly Fisher’s sister lived in Raymond.Relax.The sister knew nothing. He’d be okay.


It was time. He would go ahead to Natchez and wait for her.


Sam turned off Highway 18 onto the county road where Kimberly Fisher’s sister lived. He turned to Emma, who had been quiet after they left the Hinds County Sheriff’s Department. “I hope you’re not upset with me.”

She sighed. “I’m not happy, but I don’t want to be a liability. You are going to allow me to go in with you?”

He didn’t want to leave her in the SUV, not after telling her she was in danger. “Yeah. Just this last time.”