Page 109 of Obsession

“Gordy was with you too.”

Sam nodded. He didn’t know how bad Carter’s Alzheimer’s was, but tonight his mind was clear. He hoped it held. “What do you know about that night?”

Carter didn’t answer right away; instead he felt his pocket and cursed. “They took my cigarettes.”

He gave the older man a minute, and when he didn’t say anything, Sam asked, “What happened to the file on the Selby murder?”

“Should be there ... unless Trey moved it. He’s my chief deputy, you know.”

“Yeah.” He leaned forward, encouraging the former sheriff to continue.

Carter took a deep breath. “He didn’t murder that girl.”

Interesting way of answering, considering Sam hadn’t asked if Trey had killed Mary Jo. “How about Ryan?”

“Him either.”

“But Trey knows something about what happened?”

The former sheriff’s eyes turned cagey. “I told my boy to keep his nose clean. I had an election that year and that girl’s death cost me votes. If word had gotten out—”

Abruptly the monitor went crazy again with beeps and a buzzer sounding. Carter’s face turned white, and he pressed his hand against his chest. The door flew open, and the nurse charged in. She motioned toward the door. “You’re out of here.”

Sam didn’t move. He was so close to getting his answer.

She fisted her hands on her hips. “Now!”

He shot Carter a look of frustration. “Yes, ma’am. Can I come back when—”

“Absolutely not. You upset him, and I’m not allowing that to happen again.”


While Sam was back with Sheriff Carter, Emma checked on George Selby and his daughter. There’d been no change—both were extremely critical. Her heart heavy, she walked to the magazine rack and looked for something to read. Their area of the waiting room had pretty well cleared out. Ms. Carter was in a corner recliner, and Rachel had gone to the restroom, leaving Emma and Jenny. Sam’s sister paced near the phone as she waited for news from the doctor.

Emma looked up as Jenny stopped in front of her. “Where’d you say Sam went?”

“Sheriff Carter’s sister asked him to try to calm her brother down.” Emma tensed at the anger in Jenny’s voice. “What do you have against me?”

Jenny stared at her. “You have to ask? You’re leading my brother on.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re going to break his heart again, just like ten years ago.”

Jenny’s words stung. “No. I—”

“Yes, you will. I’ve watched you do it with every man you date. You date them a while, then you find something wrong with them and break it off.”

Emma stiffened as heat blazed in her face. “I do not.”

Jenny rattled off the names of four men, including Trey, thatEmma had dated. “You’re telling me you didn’t lead them on and then drop them when you got bored?”

“Those relationships just didn’t work out,” Emma protested. “It’s different with your brother. I ... I really care for him.”

“You won’t feel that way when you know the whole truth about that night. And then you’ll break his heart all over again.”

Lead settled in Emma’s stomach. “What are you talking about?”