Page 38 of Obsession

“Emma? Why are you calling so late? Is something wrong?”

Her mom’s attorney voice came through on the other end, a businesslike voice that served her well with the cases she tried. Not so much between the two of them. “No,” Emma said, wincing when she checked the clock on the wall. “I didn’t realize it was so late. I just wanted to see how you’re doing, and maybe set up a time to drop by your condo.”

“That would be wonderful,” she said warmly. “And I’m fine, keeping busy with this latest case, but it’s coming together. The defendant is considering a plea deal, and we might not have to go to court.”

Her mom, the workaholic. She thought about not wanting to quit at Mount Locust earlier. Must be where she got it. Perhaps they were more alike than she realized.

“How are you?”

“I’ve—I’m okay.” Emma had almost said she’d been better, likewhen she didn’t have someone shooting at her, but that would open up a thousand questions she didn’t want to answer tonight.

“Oh, and I, ah...” her mother said. “I’ve been thinking about that flyer.”

Here it comes.Emma tensed up for what was sure to follow. “And?”

“It might not hurt to post it on social media,” she said softly.

Emma was stunned. “Did you just say—”

“Yes. Don’t sound so surprised. Just because I didn’t fall apart when Ryan left doesn’t mean I don’t want to find him. I wouldn’t have hired a private investigator if that had been the case.”

“What?” She sat down hard on the sofa. Surely she hadn’t heard her mother right. “When did you hire a private investigator?”

“Right after I moved to Jackson—about six months after Ryan left. Why?”

“Why didn’t I know about it?”

Her mother fell quiet.

“Are you still there?”

“Yes. I’m here. We didn’t tell you at first because we didn’t want you to get your hopes up, and when the investigator didn’t find Ryan, you were doing so much better emotionally that your dad and I decided not to say anything about it.”

“So, Dad knew too.” It wasn’t a question. “Do you still have the investigator’s report?”

“Yes. Why?”

“I’d like to see it.” Her mind hadn’t quite recovered from learning her mom had hired a PI.

“I can save you the trouble—there isn’t much to it,” she said.

“Do you remember if the report had a copy of Sheriff Carter’s case file?”

“It’s been ten years ... but yes, I think there was one. Why the sudden push to find Ryan? First with the flyer and now wanting to see the investigator’s report. Have you learned something you’re not telling me?”

“No,” she said quickly. “And I ... I don’t know why.”


Her mother’s favorite way of showing she wasn’t buying her answer. It wasn’t even a word, but it got her point across. Emma tried to formulate a different answer. Was it because Sam was back? No. She’d had Ryan on her mind before this week.

“I think because next month it’ll be ten years ... on our birthday,” Emma said. “I read somewhere that cold case units get more inquiries around anniversaries and birthdays of their missing loved ones than any other time.” It was the best she could come up with and at least partially true. Ten years was a long time to go without seeing her twin.

The silence on the other end of the line drew out. “I’ll have to find the report. When do you want it?” Her mother’s voice sounded almost defeated.

“How about I drive up to Jackson after I get off work tomorrow? We could have dinner together, call it my birthday celebration.” She glanced at her bandaged hand. “Oh, wait. I’ll have to find someone to drive me.”
