Sparkling brown eyes? Who the hell am I? I shake my head.
The race director and assistants stand at the head of the group and gather the runners—all two hundred or so of us—for a picture. It’s still a bit dark so flashes go off to capture all of us in our bundled-up glory. Many of us can’t stand still as the adrenaline courses through our bodies, anticipation gaining the closer we get to beginning this adventure. The woman who took our picture sways from side to side, bouncing a little on each foot as she shifts her weight. She’s nervous too.
I bring my attention back to the race director as one of her assistants reads out the various rules and instructions, including, of course, the Ten Commandments of the Moab 240.
Thou shalt not litter.
Thou shalt not threaten other Moabites.
Thou shalt not block others from passing.
Thou shalt not follow Moses. He tends to get lost in the desert.
Thou shall use CalTopo and listen to St. Phil.
Thou shall drink plenty of water.
Thou shall rest before DNFing.
Thou shall battle through tough times.
Thou shall finish your endurancerun.