Vito shook his head. “It’s on me to show you the way. You and Ally, you’re gonna have kids. You gotta know the way. That’s the only path it’s on me to show you. You’re young. Got your life ahead of you. It’s not on you to make shit easy on me. It’s on me to show you the way.”
“You showed me the way, Uncle Vito,” he said low.
This time, Vito nodded his head. “Proud of you, son. Proud of your cousin for gettin’ his head out of his ass and turnin’ his attention to his wife, where it should be. Wasn’t sure he had that in him. He’s a lucky guy, she gave him a second chance. But you, Lorenzo. I’ve always been proud of you.”
Fuck it.
Ren stood and walked around the desk.
Vito stood and turned to Ren.
When Ren got close, Vito’s hand shot out, curved around the back of Ren’s neck, and he yanked him into his body, wrapping his other arm around. Ren took the same hold, neck and back, and as men do, they both pounded the love into each other’s shoulder blades.
The door opened.
They broke and looked that way.
Ally was backing out. “I’ll just come back.”
Vito clapped his hands. “Nope! I’m gone. Said what had to be said.” He clamped his hand on the side of Ren’s neck and squeezed while looking into his eyes.
Ren smirked.
“Love you too, Uncle Vito,” he said.
Vito nodded once, let Ren go, walked to the door, stopped so Ally could kiss his cheek, then he was gone.
Ally didn’t move into the room after the door closed behind him when she asked, “You okay?”
“He was hurt I didn’t want to follow in his footsteps.”
Understanding lit on her face. “Ah.”
“He’s over it now.”
Ren tipped his head to the side. “Is there some reason you’re standing all the way over there?”
“Yes. Because I feel the need to comfort you, which will lead to us fucking on your desk again, and I’m hungry. A miracle has happened. I’m so hungry, I want to eat instead of fuck. Or, at least, before we fuck. Does this mean we’re turning into an old, staid, boring couple?”
He moved her way, grinning and saying, “No. It just means you’re hungry.” He put his hands to her hips when he arrived at her. “And just sayin’, stomach rumbles are a turn off, baby.”
She smiled at him.
He took her in.
He’d had dreams too.
Dreams, actually, of finding a woman like Angela.
A woman like Sissy.
Quiet and supportive, happy to keep house and plan parties and build her life around her man.
His first indication that wasn’t what was truly in his heart was when he became attracted to Ava.
The definite proof was when Ally walked out on him because he struggled with holding on to a dream that wasn’t ever his. It was Vito’s.