“I think it’s probably best not to remind Tod at this point he suggested chocolate and mustard for Indy,” Ally stage-whispered, and Tod’s head snapped around.

“It wasn’t chocolate and mustard. It wastangerineand chocolate.”

“Orange and poo, same thing,” Ally, ever the shit-stirrer, stirred.

Tod’s face got red.

“Hi, babe,” Sadie called his way, and the minute she did, Gretl left her place sitting on his feet, panting to go to her mama.

He lifted his chin to her.

Her ice-blue eyes sparkled.

He felt that flare in his gut, spreading warmth.

She was happy. In her element. Surrounded by friends.

Thank fuck he didn’t take her to Vegas to get hitched, she would have missed this.

She then turned to Tod. “I like the idea of seashell, Tod. It’s opalescent. You can work with that, you know, instead of ice? Right?”

Tod considered it a second, then he chanted, “I’m seeing it, I’m seeing it.” He lifted his hands and spread them out like he was envisioning a marquee. “The most delicate iridescent seashell and the fire of…wait for it…opal!”

“Oh…my…gawd!” Ralphie exclaimed. “It’s perfect!”

“Isn’t it?” Tod asked.

Ralphie threw his chair back. “Is the fabric store still open?”

“They know me. Even if they’re closing, they’ll let us nip some swatches while they sweep the floors.”

Tod snatched up the planner lying spread out on the table, and he and Ralphie bumped into each other on the way to the front door, but even so, they didn’t miss a step.

“Guess I’m going. Love you, girlies,” Stevie said, getting up and blowing kisses without using his hand.

“Me too,” Buddy put in. He gave Hector a chin lift, one to Eddie, a smile around the table, then as he walked with Stevie to the door, he suggested, “We drop them, make sure they can get in. Then we’ll take my truck, go get a beer, and they can meet us for dinner?”

“Works for me,” Stevie replied.

Clearly, Tod and Ralphie exiting the room and taking the wedding binder with them meant the Gathering was over.

He knew this when Sadie came to Hector and rested her weight into him where he stood leaning against the wall, arms crossed on his chest.

Gretl, as ever at her mama’s side, came with.

“I’m making tacos. Jet says it’s easy. Just brown ground beef, throw some water and seasoning in, andvoilà.”

“The food of my people,” he teased.

She giggled.

When she was done doing that, she shared, “Ava and Stella already popped out to get more beef and cheese and tortillas. And, um…sour cream and jalapeños and lettuce and other stuff.”

His eyes swept the table. “Good call.”

Her voice dipped when she asked, “You’re not mad it’s not just you and your brother, Jet and me?”

“You happy to cook for thirteen people?