Boo ate it, still purring.
“I hope you don’t spoil our daughter like that,” Jules remarked in a way that had Vance’s eyes racing to her.
What he saw on her face made him go completely still.
They’d decided. Once the doc told her it was all systems go. Once she was back to her normal self physically, they decided.
Life was too short. It was too filled with shit.
They weren’t going to wait.
On any of it.
Marriage. Babies.
They were going to do it all right away.
Therefore, she went off the Pill she’d barely got on, but they’d been told it might take a few months for her cycle to regulate.
Maybe it didn’t take that long.
“What are you saying?” he asked.
“I took a test. Positive. So I went out and bought another test just in case. Positive. So I got an appointment with my OB, and she confirmed it. I’m pregnant.”
Vance bent to drop Boo to his feet, scattered about fifteen treats across the floor, Boo purred a “Mrreow!” in excitement and chased after them, just as Jules cried an irate, “Crowe!”
But Vance was across the room, in her space, in her face, framing her head in his hands.
His eyes roamed her face.
She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. More beautiful than anyone on a movie screen. More beautiful than any in the pages of a magazine.
And she was his.
And she was having his baby.
“I take it you’re happy,” she whispered.
He crashed his mouth down on hers and answered that question with his tongue.
When he lifted his head, she breathed, “You’re happy.”
“Yeah, I’m fuckin’ happy,” he replied.
Her violet eyes lit with joy as she returned, “Good. We’re naming her Rebecca Ann.”
“We’re naminghimMax.”
“It’s not a him, Crowe.”
“It’s a him, Princess.”