“He hates his carrier,” she told Vance, who was where Boo should be. Everyoneknewwhen they were in the moving machine, Boo sat in the lap of the person at the wheel.
How was he supposed to help if he was stuck in confinement in the back?
“I don’t know how he’s gonna react to you being with us, and you’re not a hundred percent, Princess. I don’t want him jumping on you.”
Boo didn’t understand that either, but he knew it didn’t bode well, so he aimed his next, “Meow!” at Vance.
“We’re gonna be there, half an hour, tops,” Vance assured.
Even if he didn’t know what he was saying, he still read the tone, and Boo was far from assured.
“Meow!” Boo put in.
Jules turned to look at him, and said in his most favoritist voice, “Love you, baby. Missed youso much.”
Might as well use this time for some obsessive grooming so he could get a good hairball worked up and hurl it out as their punishment.
So he set about doing that.
They were back in the wilds, a domicile Boo approved of.
He liked the smell. He liked sitting in the window and lording over all the critters outside who were too foolish to know how to bend humans to their will so they gave in to your (almost) every whim. He loved that he could tell Vance was at home here and Jules was relaxed here.
Even though she was holding herself funny, he didn’t love that.
But it was morning. She was still in bed.
And Vance had just put his food bowl down in the kitchen.
Boo looked at the food perfectly prepared, then up at Vance.
Vance was staring down at him.
Boo shoved his face in the food.
He didn’t know what Vance said, but he felt the stroke down his spine, and heard the relief in his tone when he whispered, “That’s it, cat. It’s all good. Mama’s home.”
Boo ate and ate and licked the bowl clean when he was done.
But don’t worry, he shoved some food out on the floor with his nose so they’d have to clean up after him.
He was happy Jules was back, ecstatic (though he’d be careful not to let that show overly much).
But he was never derelict in his duties.
Boo carried out his complete inspection of her the first chance he got, and it wasn’t easy to find that chance. Vance was always there, helping her get around, stretched out next to her on the bed, sitting on the couch with her head in his lap while he read and she listened to music.
He was an animal. He was intuitive.
He knew his playground (her body) was not accessible at this moment, so he couldn’t go gallivanting on the bed when they were both in it. There wasn’t enough room.
So when Vance went to shower, Boo jumped up on the bed (and yes, hedidmean to miss the top so he had to sink his claws into the covers and pull himself up, he had to keep his claws sharp…obviously), and he gave her a good once-over with his eyes and nose.
She smelled like Jules.