He tossed his fork on his plate, sat back again, and exploded, “He had your pants undone!”

Jet held his gaze, said nothing, but didn’t back down or away.

“Jesus fucking Christ, he had your pants undone,” he continued. “He had his hands on you. You were scared. Nope. You were terrified.”

She said something to that. “Lee had it contained.”

“I don’t give a fuck,” he returned. “And you didn’t know that at the time, or you wouldn’t have been terrified.”

“I’m fine,” she said quietly.

“I know that,” he barked.

She held his gaze again. A beat passed. Two.

Then she got up, came to him, and he tipped his head to keep his eyes on her.

She put her hands on him, smoothing his hair back, not taking her attention from his face. Eventually, she just held the sides of his head before she bent and touched her lips to his.

When she straightened, she mumbled, “You’ll work it out in your own time.” She let him go, turned, nabbed her coffee cup and asked, “Want more coffee?”

That was when he was up and had her in his arms, her back molded to his front, his face in her neck.

She gave him that, sliding her hands along his arms so she was holding him while he held her.

Then she whispered, “It’s over, honey.”

“Yeah,” he grunted into her neck.

“Do you want more coffee?”


“Are you sure you’re not mad about the bathroom?”

He laughed in her skin, kissed her there, and at her ear, repeated, “Yeah.”

She turned her head, he lifted his, and they caught eyes.

“Give me your mug, Eddie.”

I love the fuck out of you, he thought, staring into her eyes.

Same, she thought back, staring into his.

After they shared that, he kissed her mouth, let her go and gave Jet his mug.

Track 3

Rock Chick Redemption

Her Man


Hank woke without woman or dog.

And he didn’t like it.