And when the time was right, she’d have the words.

“I know,” she replied belatedly about what he said about Tex, maybe waiting for Eddie to say what he hoped they both knew. Maybe not.

But since it wasn’t time, he moved them past it.

He touched his mouth to hers then asked, “Ready to go to sleep?”

He watched her nod on the pillow.

He grinned, saw her eyes drop to where he knew his dimple was, and they warmed. The love blasted out of them, and Eddie decided it wasn’t time to sleep.

Not yet.


They had more business to see to.

But this time, it wasn’t about the fact he had ice cream to work off.

“Oh my God,stop doing this!” Jet cried as he hauled her out of bed the next morning.

“You like our showers,” he reminded her as, hands to her hip with her in front of him, he guided their way to the bathroom. “Why you always bitch about it, I have no clue.”

She turned in his hold and stood firm, so he “had to” bump into her. He then took the opportunity to stay close.

“Do they have to happen at five thirty in the morning?” she demanded.


She heaved a huge sigh that was cute, and which had the added benefit of pushing her tits against his chest.

After he enjoyed that, he whipped her around, replaced his hands on her hips and took her to their purple bathroom.

Jet was at his side. She had heels to her chair, thighs to her chest, the chair angled away from the table and facing him sitting at its head, and she was munching toast and staring at him.

Eddie swallowed the eggs she’d made him and advised, “Chiquita, give it up. We’re gonna fool around every morning in the shower until I croak at age eighty-nine.”

Her lips parted, her eyes went huge, but she said nothing.

Show her.

Right, so that wasn’t showing as much as telling.

Though, the shower was definitely showing.

When he didn’t follow that up, she threw her toast on the plate, swiped her hands above it to get rid of the crumbs, then refocused on him.

“Eddie, I’m all right.”

He smiled at her. “Know that,cariño. You’re vocal.”

She rolled her eyes and said, “I know this is hard, given the certain appendage you have that makes it always on your mind, but I’m not talking about sex.”

He forked up more eggs. “What are you talking about?”

“You toss and turn in your sleep, and sometimes grab me…really hard.”

Fork halfway to his mouth, Eddie froze, eyes to Jet. “Cómo?”