He watched her take him, and Christ, she was pretty.
She also needed to blow.
He shifted a thumb between her legs and saw to that.
After that was accomplished, he let go.
He lowered himself to her after his orgasm left him, and she wound her limbs around him.
He felt that, where she had hold of him, on the outside and on the inside.
This woman loved him. This woman, with her snug tops and perfect ass and sexy bangs and phenomenal cooking skills and beautiful smile and huge heart, loved him.
“Purple?” he asked.
Her body tightened underneath him, so he smoothed a hand down her side, her hip, and then up to cup her breast.
“Do you hate it?”
“Is Prince coming for a visit?”
She giggled and, better, relaxed.
She had her mother’s gorgeous smile.
She also had her mother’s giggle.
He moved his hand from her tit to her neck. “There’s one good thing about the bathroom.”
“What’s that?”
“I didn’t have to paint it.”
A laugh this time, not a giggle, but he’d take it.
“You like it?” he asked softly.
“I think it looks amazing,” she said timidly, and that was his woman too. She was shy. She was losing that with him, but she loved him. She wanted him to like his bathroom. She worried.
If he didn’t like it, she’d paint it again tomorrow, he knew it.
He didn’t hate it, and as he said, he didn’t have to do it himself, so he knew he could live with it.
“Then I like it,” he only slightly lied.
“Good,” she whispered.
“How’d you do that and get your hair done today?”
“Stevie and Duke came over to help.”
“And it’s a small room.”