“Right,” she mumbled.

Marcus cleaned his plate. Daisy gave him the warning look she always gave him when he made a move to take it to the sink.

Through his wife, he knew no one cleaned the table of a Southern woman, except that Southern woman.

Even so, he’d never take her for granted.

But as she wished, he left it where it was, kissed her cheek, and also left her finishing her coffee.

He needed to find a golf shirt.

He clocked them first on the ninth hole.

Then again on the tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth.

It was the fourteenth when club personnel nabbed them.

It was on the fifteenth when a member of staff came and apologized for interrupting his game before asking him if he wouldn’t mind accompanying him to the clubhouse.

Marcus left his foursome and accompanied him.

The man led him to the membership office, stopped outside the closed door, smiled and rather nervously said, “This is an unusual situation, Mr. Sloan. Normally, our members know the rules and follow them. In this case, the rule that states you can’t be on the course unless you have a tee time. Also, members need to sign in non-members if they’re using our facilities. So Mrs. Sloan and her…er…companions…erm…activitieson the course are somewhat frowned upon. We were hoping you might have a word with her.”

“I will. Thank you for your discretion.”

“Always a pleasure, Mr. Sloan,” the man said and scooted away.

Marcus took in a breath before he opened the door.

Shirleen was sitting behind the desk, her feet on top of it, her Louboutin heels on display.

Daisy, Ava and Sadie, the skulking culprits, were sitting in the chairs in front of it, an extra one having been brought in so Sadie could use it.

He could see they’d either divested themselves of their camouflage, or it was confiscated.

“It wasn’t me,” Shirleen announced. “I was havin’ a drink at the bar while they were doin’ their silly-ass nonsense.”

“Marcus—” Daisy started.

“Ladies,” he cut her off, addressing Ava, Sadie and Shirleen. “Do you have rides or do you need me to arrange them for you?”

Shirleen took her feet off the desk. “That means get the fuck out, I got words to say to my wife.”

It absolutely did.

Shirleen stood, “I brought ’em all here. I can take them back. I assume you’ll take Daisy home?”

“You assume correctly,” Marcus confirmed.

Slowly, Ava and Sadie stood, giving Daisy “I’m sorry” expressions as they trooped behind Shirleen out the door.

Sadie still had a leaf stuck in the back of her hair.

He waited until it closed, then he shifted his position to lean against it and face his wife.

“Marcus—” she started again.

“Please begin by explaining why you’re spying on me.”