Indy had the patience of a gnat. If she’d stop trying so hard to get Lee to notice her, she’d notice he was all about her, and she just had to wait for him to make his move.
Good or bad, guys needed it like that.
At least, guys like Lee.
“She’s fourteen,” Darius pointed out.
“So?” Ally, also fourteen, asked.
“He’s gotta wait at least until she’s eighteen.”
Darius fake leered at her.
“Gross!” she shouted.
Darius started laughing.
She put her hands to her ears. “La, la, la, not thinking about that.”
“You’re the one who came over here, complainin’ about them getting together.”
“Yeah,Darius,” she said his name like “duh,” and he fought busting a gut laughing.
Shit, Ally Nightingale was funny.
He loved her. It was a brother-sister type of love, but even if he was seventeen and she was fourteen, he felt it in a way he knew it’d never die.
“But that’s about me,” she concluded.
Now he was confused. “What?”
“They get together, stay together and get married, she’s my real sister, and, like, we’ll spend Christmases and vacations together.”
“You already do that.”
“Well, some other guy takes her and whisks her off to some boondocks, I won’t get to do that anymore, will I?” she returned.
“India Savage is never gonna live in the boondocks,” he replied. “And she’s never gonna leave you.”
Or Lee, he didn’t add, but if anyone knew that, Ally did.
“Whatever,” she muttered. “We need someone to go out and score some beer.”
“We’re in your mom and dad’s basement.”
“And your dad is a cop and he’s sitting upstairs, watching TV.”
She rolled her eyes.
Rarely did Ally let that get in her way, except when she was under her father’s roof.
He had this thought as he noticed movement across the room.
He shifted his attention there and watched Hank, down from school in Boulder for the weekend, stick his head in the door. He whistled then gestured to Lee. Lee stopped staring murder at Archer and went to the door. Hank repeated this with Eddie. Eddie quit jacking around pretending not to flirt with Jaclyn Johnson while still flirting so good, he was going to get in her pants soon, and he followed Lee.