His dream was standing right in front of him, sass and fire and strength, and so much love, her every move was guided by it.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” she asked.

“Because Vito and I talked about something else. Now I realize how much I fucked up when I fell down on the job.”

“Fell down on what job?”

“The job of making sure you know, and you’re never in any doubt, that there is not one thing I need on this earth more than having you at my side.”

She leaned into him and whispered, “Ren.”

Christ, he loved it when she said his name like that.

Especially when it came with her beautiful face getting soft like that.

Just for him.

She had a lot of love to give.

But that was all his.

“So, I’m going to say it now and do my damnedest to show it from now on. But that’s where I’m at.”

“We had a hiccup, it’s over,” she asserted.

“I nearly lost you, and we’re not getting lunch until you know I’m not gonna fuck up like that again.”

“It isn’t about the fact I’m seriously hungry that I share, I already know that, Ren Zano, and I’m not in any doubt.”

“Good,” he grunted.

“Though, you’re gonna have to get over the stomach rumbles.”


She started pushing him backward. “Because you’re being so sweet, I need to blow you.”

He smiled down at her, not about to argue.

So he didn’t.

Rock Chick Rewind – Hit Play


Some time ago…

Ally collapsed on the couch at his side.

“Ugh,” she groaned.

Darius turned his head and grinned at her. “What?”

“Look at them,” she said, throwing out her hand. “I wish they would just get together already.”

Darius looked, but he knew what she was talking about. He’d been watching this shit play out for a long time.

Indy was flirting with Brian Archer, doing this to rile Lee. Although she was too into doing it that she didn’t notice she was achieving her goal: Lee was staring at Archer like he wanted to rip his head off.