
Ren opened his eyes to a dark room.

Then he tossed the covers off, angled out of bed and headed downstairs.

He had the kitchen light on and the fridge open by the time she came in the back.

He turned his head to her, doing a quick scan, top to toe.

Seeing no blood, bruising or torn clothing, he relaxed. Not that he’d ever seen any of that, but with her job, the scan had become automatic.

Once he accomplished it, he greeted, “Hey, baby.”

“Hey,” Ally replied, coming to him.

They touched lips, she reached beyond him, grabbed a Fat Tire and wandered to the drawer where they kept their bottle opener.

She snapped the cap then hefted herself up on her usual place on the counter.

“Baked ziti?” he asked.

“You have a great ass and great eyes and know how to use your dick, but I’d be with you just for your cooking,” she said by way of reply, then took a drag off her beer, but he didn’t miss her eyes twinkling.

Ren smirked and decided to take that as a yes on the ziti.

He cracked the lid and threw the Tupperware in the microwave.

When it was nuking, he leaned a hip on the counter.

“Tonight go okay?” he asked.

“My brother is a badass.”

She was ride-along with Lee that night.

“Know that. Did you learn anything?”

“I learned my brother is more badass than I already knew, and I thought he was a pretty kickass badass already.”

Ren crossed his arms on his chest and smiled at her.

She wound her head around to get tension out of her neck, and he didn’t like it.

“What?” he pushed quietly.

“It’s like, he’s forgotten more than I’ll ever learn,” she told him.

“He’s been doing this for years. You’ve been officially doing it for a couple of months.”

“Yeah. I told myself that. Newsflash, it didn’t make me feel any better.”

Ren felt a heat start burning in his chest. “Lee make you feel like this isn’t what you should be doing?”

He asked because he wasn’t convinced Lee was fully onboard, even if he said he was. Since he said it, he’d put training and ride-alongs behind that assertion.


Your little sister enters a game that can be dangerous, even if you say you’ve got her back, you might still do shit to put her off, even unconsciously.