It just came out.
“What?” she asked softly, her throaty voice wrapping around the word, making it feel like a soothing touch.
And another invitation.
An invitation to share more in the safe space it seemed only Stella could give him.
“I snowboard. I don’t surf.” He shifted on the bed, discomfort gathering in his muscles. “She came to a lot of my surfing competitions. She also came to my boarding competitions. So why do I board and not surf?”
“Do you board by yourself?”
He shook his head. “No. Sometimes Eddie comes with me, or Lee, Hank or Monty.”
“So, you made it part of your new life, without her.”
He had. And he did it with men he respected, living a life doing work he was proud of after all he’d done when they lost Tiny.
He couldn’t say he was proud of what he’d done for Tiny.
He could only say it was a job that needed to be done, so he did it.
But what he did now with Lee and the men, he felt pride in that. In their brotherhood. In the family they gave him.
He ran the knuckles of his free hand along her cheekbone, murmuring, “You’re gorgeousandsmart.”
“There’s a lot to me. I’m not just a wannabe Rock God,” she joked.
“Soon-to-be,” he corrected.
Her brown eyes melted, and she whispered, “Soon-to-be.”
“Glad we got that straight.”
She pushed up so she was closer to his face, and he had her tits to his chest, not her hands. It was by a slim margin, he liked anything of her touching him, but he preferred the tits.
“Is it just me, or is it a little freaky how good the boys are being?” she asked.
“It’s hella freaky,” he concurred. “But when you’re one album contract away from everything you ever wanted, you get your shit sharp.”
She nodded.
“Though, Pong’s right now passed out, flanked by two women down by the pool.”
She started laughing, the husky sound taking a firm grip on his dick.
So he rolled her.
“What are we gonna do on your day off?” he asked when he had her on her back and his hands were moving on her body.
“I have a feeling you have some ideas.”
Oh yeah.
He had ideas.
“Yeah,” he confirmed.
She arched into him, her fingers playing the skin on his back with the same talent she played her guitar. “Let’s roll with those.”