The blue in her eyes shimmered in that way he liked so fucking much, and he felt it in his dick.
Also on his list.
“That isn’t going to get your stuff sorted, honey,” she whispered.
He lifted her so her ass was on the desk, then forced his way in, her knees opening to allow it. “You’re with me, so you can’t get kidnapped. Seems I got some free time.”
She smiled at him.
Definitely at the top of the list.
Indy Savage’s smile.
As much as he liked it, Lee angled his head and kissed it off her face.
They were in his Crossfire on the way to a late lunch.
He didn’t get much sorting done, but they say even the busiest people needed to carve out time to find ways to de-stress, and he’d definitely checked that off his to-do list.
Indy flipped her phone closed and told him what he knew, since he listened to her side of the conversation. “We have Chowleena duty tomorrow. Both Tod and Stevie are on flights.”
“We should get a dog.”
“If you want a dog, we’ll get a dog.”
Surprise filtered through the Crossfire.
She processed that quickly and kept going in order to further feel her way through it.
“You should come with me to the Chili Peppers concert. If I can get us tickets.”
“That’d be good.”
“Ally, obviously, has to come with us.”
More surprise.
This was because, she knew he knew Indy plus Ally plus live rock and roll was not an experience any man, including one who’d been fired on during a variety of iffy occasions, would willingly walk into. He’d learned that the hard way at a Nine Inch Nails concert several years before.
But at his condo he’d come hard, as he always did with Indy.
She’d learn, and she was learning.
Naked gratitude went both ways.
Indy, being Indy, though, pushed it.
“Will you teach me how to pick locks?”
“Ugh. You’re no fun.”
He was fun enough half an hour ago.