They were back in moonlight, Jules lying on her back, Vance stretched down her side, his hand on her belly.
“You gonna rest your hand on my stomach every night for the next seven and a half months?” she teased.
He looked from her belly to her. “Yes.”
She stared at him.
Then she did an ab curl to touch her mouth to his before settling again.
“You got any symptoms yet?” he asked.
“Throwing up,” she said without hiding or hesitation. “That’s why I took the test. It’s a weird kind of nausea. I’ve never felt anything like it before. And since we went off birth control…” She shrugged against the sheets and let that lie.
“Anything I can do?” he offered.
Her face warmed and her voice went soft. “I don’t think so. But thanks.”
“Talked to Lee. He’s not going to give me any assignments that take me out of town throughout the pregnancy.”
Her face grew surprised. “That’s not necessary, Crowe.”
He put gentle pressure on her belly. “I’m not missing this, Jules. Not a second of it. I’m here, for you, for him. I’ll work, but I’ll be close. Lee didn’t blink when I asked. He’s happy for us. Told me whatever I need. It’s good.”
He dipped down so he was nose to nose with her and enunciated each word clearly. “Not. Missing. A. Second.”
She gave in a lot faster than he expected by lifting a hand and curling it around his head. “Love you, Vance Ouray Crowe.”
“Love you too, Princess.”
She didn’t have to do an ab curl to get her kiss that time.
He gave it to her.
But as he did, he didn’t take his hand from Max, growing and getting strong in the fierce protective womb of his warrior mother.
And for the next seven and a half months, his woman got used to getting it just like that.
Track 5
Rock Chick Revenge
Luke wasn’t sure how he made it to the offices considering he was so furious he couldn’t see straight.
This was why, the minute he hit reception at Nightingale Investigations, Mace came out of the door that led to the back offices.
The men of NI weren’t a team.
They were brothers.
So they knew.
“Check it,” Mace said low after taking one look at Luke and planting himself between Luke and the door.