Because it would be pure Indy.
Lee settled deeper into his woman.
And he fell asleep.
Track 2
Rock Chick Rescue
Show Her
Eddie let himself into the kitchen through the back door.
He did not smell what he normally smelled; some of Jet’s amazing cooking.
He immediately smelled paint.
“Mi amor?” he called.
He moved farther into the house. “Jet?”
Still nothing.
She wasn’t in the living room, so he headed to the hall.
And he stopped dead at the door to the bathroom.
It was painted.
It was a deep, dark purple. If there was a shade of purple that was a modicum of masculine, this was it.
It was still purple.
“Jet!” he shouted, thinking maybe she was downstairs doing the laundry and having a few things to say about a purple bathroom.
That day, she’d taken off from Fortnum’s. Her plans were to get her hair done and run some errands.
There had been no mention of painting the bathroom, and absolutely no mention of painting it purple.
But she wasn’t at home.
Her car was in the garage. He’d just parked next to that piece of shit.
It had only been a couple of months since he’d dropped a load on getting it running.
It was still a piece of shit.
His woman needed a new car.
When he received no answer, a frisson he didn’t like slithered through his frame, and he pulled out his phone.