Track 1

Rock Chick



Lee was in the extra bedroom in his condo sorting through the stuff, most of which would be trashed, when he heard the front door open.

He stilled, listening.

That was he stilled all but his hand. Automatically, it crept to his weapon that was sitting on the beat-up metal desk beside him.

Then he heard strange scraping sounds coming from the door handle, like someone was attempting, poorly, to pick the lock.

“Jesus,” he muttered, stood, and leaving the gun where it was, he walked to the door.

He pulled it open and watched Indy’s body jolt so strongly, she lost balance in the crouch she was holding on the balls of her flip-flopped feet and fell to her ass in the hall.

She looked up at him.

“It was open,” he informed her.

“Oh,” she replied.

“So no need to pick the lock,” he shared unnecessarily as she started to push up to standing.

“Yeah, I got that,” she returned irritably, brushing off her ass with one hand, even though the hall was carpeted, and Judy kept it obsessively vacuumed.

He didn’t watch her brush her ass. He watched as a flush formed on her beautiful cheeks. Color, Lee knew, that didn’t come from embarrassment, because as far as he could tell, his woman didn’t get embarrassed. And fuck knew, he’d witnessed her giving herself plenty of opportunity to feel embarrassment.

No, she was annoyed.

She was also curious.

In many instances, he could read her mind—this was how long he’d known her, and how much attention he’d paid to her—but this time she made it easy.

She tried to peer beyond him.

She’d always been nosy, including being nosy about a room in his place that he kept locked.

Her place was now his place, which prompted him sorting that room. He should have done it before, but now he had renters moving in, so he had to see to it.

Considering his woman’s most recent antics, he wasn’t going to make it easy for her to get what she wanted.

He stood solid in the doorframe and kept the information flowing.

“You do remember three weeks ago? You know, that time when you were kidnapped…again…and nearly taken against your will to Costa Rica?”

Her amazing blue eyes darted to him, and Christ.

Give him a year, even five, to think on it, and he couldn’t tell you precisely what did it for him with her.

This was because there was so much of her that did it for him.

Those eyes, for starters. That blue—rich and so fucking deep, not dark, not light, an azure so pure, he could swim in it.

Her ample ass and tits were two others.