I pause. What could be worse than talking to Hudson? Is this the worst idea? I know I don’t want to bring anyone else into my other activities, but Jay is the more level-headed of the two, so fuck it. And this is just about Quinn, nothing else. “And you won’t blab it to anyone?”
Jay crosses his heart with his fingers. “Swear it.”
I run a hand over my hair, hoping my second attempt might go better. “So, there’s a girl I kissed. And it felt different. Like, really different.”
Jay raises an eyebrow. “Different how?”
“I don’t know. It wasn’t just physical, you know?” I scuff my shoe against the ground, looking down at it as nerves make my palms sweaty. “It felt like it meant something more.”
He nods slowly. “And this girl, she’s not just anyone, is she?”
I swallow hard, the weight of what I’m about to admit pressing down on me. “No, she’s not just anyone.”
Jay’s eyes narrow slightly. “So, what’s the plan? You going to talk to her about it?”
As I shrug, the weight of uncertainty weighs me down. “I know I should. But the thing is, what if she doesn’t feel the same way? What if she wants me for what I’m known for, just a hookup? Or what if things get complicated?”
Jay chuckles softly. “Man, relationships are always complicated. But look, if you really care about her, you should talk to her. You can’t let the fear of what might happen stop you from finding out how she feels.”
I nod, appreciating his honesty. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Jay claps me on the shoulder. “Good luck, man. And remember, if Hudson or anyone else gives you crap, you can always come to me.”
“Thanks, Jay. I appreciate it.”
“Anytime. You coming to Quinn’s party tomorrow?”
My brow creases. “Party?”
“Yeah, the one she invited the whole hockey team to. You were there, the other day in the cafeteria. We’re hooking Quinn up, remember?”
Fuck. I remember, alright. Unease washes over me at the thought of seeing her with anyone else, but I tamper it down—barely. “Yeah, I’ll stop by.”
And make sure no hockey player gets their mitts on her.
Chapter nineteen
“Remind me why Iagreed to this again?” Indie grumbles, yanking her arm out of my grip.
Honestly, I don’t even know myself. This party was supposed to be so I could meet guys. Planned in anger when Miles was trying to sabotage my dating life, but now…things are different, I think? Am I off the market? Do I even want to throw this party anymore? My gut tells me it’s a bad idea, but so many people are coming and the people pleaser in me can’t let them down. I’ll just hang around, avoiding all the guys I invited. Yeah, that’ll work.
“Because you’re my best friend and you love me,” I say pointedly. Besides, if I have to suffer through this, all the while wishing I was alone with Miles instead, then I’m gonna need my best friend as backup.
She rolls her eyes, but follows me across the hall to the common room anyway and grabs a string of fairy lights from the box I borrowed from the arts department when I was feeling indignant and determined—which I do not feel anymore. What I wouldn’t give for another movie night with Miles instead. “Fine,but I’m not climbing any ladders,” Indie says, interrupting my wandering thoughts.
“Deal.” I nod, handing her the tape. “Just start hanging these up around the edge of the room.”
Before she makes her way to the corner she turns to me, checking to see who’s around us and lowering her voice. “So, are we going to talk about the fact you shared a hotel room with Miles?”
My eyes go wide and do my own double take around the room. Seb and Miles both managed to tell Coach they would ride back to campus with us, so we haven’t had a chance to talk yet. “We, um, well—”
She gasps. “If he hurt you, I’m ready to go to war.”
“No, no.” I place my hand on her arm. “Nothing like that. We watched a movie and maybe kissed more. He apologized for how it played out and he wanted a do-over.”
Indie conceals a squeal, and I can’t help but giggle. “Oh my god. Did you just kiss?”