Offering a weak smile and a nod, I can’t figure out how that news makes me feel. I’m happy she’ll be happy, but I wish I’d met the guy first. What if he’s an ass? What if she needs help? No, she’s Quinn. She’s completely capable.
As we walk to the West dorms, I eat the burgers—plural, because Hudson gets it—and I try to push the thoughts of Quinn, my dad, and the mess I've made out of my head. The night is young, and for a few hours at least, I can pretend everything'snormal. Hudson chatters away about the people who'll be at the party, the latest girl he’s hooked up with, and some new game he’s been playing. I nod along, grateful for the distraction.
Walking up the steps to the building, Hudson claps me on the back as we head inside. “Let's have some fun tonight, yeah?”
“Yeah,” I say, forcing a smile. “Let's do this.”
I can handle fun. I hope.
Chapter ten
“What’s your favorite pizzatopping? And please don’t break my heart and say it involves pineapple,” Alex asks, his face a picture of hope.
“Well,” I begin, chuckling awkwardly as I glance at the menu set in front of me. “The thing is, I feel like I need to defend myself for liking pineapple…”
His hand flies to his chest, clutching at his white t-shirt. “No, you can’t like pineapple on pizza.”
“I can and here’s why. It can serve as a sweet to something salty or spicy, like jalapenos or nduja sausage. It’s juicy and delicious and it’s the best fruit in the world. Why wouldn’t I put it on pizza?”
“Because it’s wrong. Any Italian would be crying over this.” His blue eyes sparkle with his teasing.
“Good thing I’m not Italian, then.”
When he smiles at me, I notice his gaze flick between my lips and my eyes. He has a really pretty face, super symmetrical, regal even, and his hair is perfectly smooth. He’s nothing likehow I thought a cellist would be. But then, what did I expect? Tattoos? Hair that’s dark and sexily long and messy on top but not too long? Sharp jawline and big muscles? Oh wait, no, that’s just Miles. I think about him for a second and how he replied to my text earlier, short and vague. I didn’t like it, and as much as I try not to care, I do.
“So, what are you majoring in?” Alex asks, and I focus back on my date. My kind, handsome, and funny date.
“I’ve already declared psychology. But I’ll also keep my arts electives and extracurriculars. Then I’ll do a master’s in art therapy.”
His eyebrows rise. “Wow, you’re impressively organized.”
“I think I’ve always been this way. I like having my life planned.”
“I like that.” He nods, focusing on my mouth again, a soft smile curving his lips.
Is this the moment I should feel butterflies at the thought of kissing him? Of having his lips touch mine, but all I feel is…my phone buzzing in my jean pocket. “I’m sorry, my phone is going crazy.” I sit up slightly to pull it out and see several messages from Miles, none of which make sense. He’s clearly drunk, asking me where my ‘dromflgherd’ is. It doesn’t seem like he’s got all his capabilities. “I’m sorry, my friend is drunk texting me right now. I just need to make sure he’s okay,” I say to Alex without looking up.
“It’s all good. I’m going to head to the restroom.”
When he leaves, I open the text thread with Indie to ask if she’s with Miles. Then I open Miles’s again to reply.
I don’t know what a dromflgherd is, but I think you need to get home to bed. Either that or take up kindergarten spelling again.
I don’t get a reply from him, but Indie texts back.
Yeah, he’s here. We’re at a party on campus. Don’t ignore your date on account of him!
I huff a laugh at Indie’s insistence, just as Alex sits back down. His scent of clean soap washes over me, and I realize it’s all wrong. He doesn’t smell like Miles, and I don’t like it. I want his woodsy scent to surround me, to drown in the subtle fresh smell of him. But that’s not what I’ve got. Instead, it’s Alex, and he’s so nice. Super-duper nice, in fact. I acknowledge that I should want that, not Mr. Unavailable. I pocket my phone again and look up at the boy whoisavailable, who likes me and is easy to talk to, and I will myself to feel something, anything more than friendship. My phone buzzes against my butt again, but I ignore it. I know he’s with Seb and Indie so he’s fine.
Alex’s warm smile greets me when I look at him. “I’ve settled the check, so we can go whenever,” he says confidently, and that only falters when I frown and contemplate. “Not that I want tonight to be over; I just didn’t want you to pay for dinner,” he adds hastily.
“Oh.” I feel myself blushing. “That’s really…nice of you.” There’s that word again.Nice.I’m going to study a thesaurus tomorrow. “Thank you,” I say honestly. “I didn’t expect you to pay for me.”