“We’re going to go pro together, man. I know it.”
And this is when I become the world’s worst friend. But keeping it to myself is better than unleashing on Seb. Golden Boy Seb. He doesn’t need my shit; his life is good. I can’t bring him into this, when there’s nothing to be done about it. My dad will always be my dad, and I just have to deal. I’ve made my own decisions, and I can’t risk his career as well.
When I make eye contact, I smile and hope like hell that he buys it. “You’re right.”
Seb cautiously eyes me for a beat and then returns my smile. “And don’t you forget it. We’ve got this.” He extends his fist for me to knock, and I return it with a twist and thump, just like we used to do when we were kids.
“You two need some alone time? We can start a campfire if you want? Let you hold hands and sing songs?” Indie hollers ahead of us, Quinn giggling into her arm.
“Just for that, you’re not getting any tonight,” Seb shouts back, pointing at his girl.
“You’re full of shit, QB.” Indie remarks with a wink, and Seb blows her a kiss as they start walking ahead again.
“She’s something else,” Seb mutters under his breath. I’ll admit, I was surprised when I heard he’d met a girl a few summers ago and didn’t tell me, especially when Indie showed up at CLU last year. He eventually told me the story, and they’ve pretty much been inseparable ever since. She’s fierce and independent, whereas he’s soft and stubborn, but they work, and I like seeing him happy. “You know she gave me a lecture about laying off Quinn the other day?”
“What did she say?” I ask curiously.
“Apparently, the whole protective big brother thing is a turnoff for guys.” He snorts. “I told her good, that’s the point.” He winces at the memory. “That was the wrong thing to say, though. It got me another talking-to about how Quinn is the boss of her own life and not me and how I’m stifling her, blah, blah, blah.”
I laugh. That sounds about right. “We’ve always been Quinn’s armor, though. She used to like it when we step up for her.”
“Exactly.” Seb’s hands go up in exasperation before itching the back of his neck. “I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t work now that we’re adults. I do see what she’s saying, but she’s my little sister…”
“I get it, man. I feel protective of her too.”
“I know. I always liked the idea that she had both of us looking out for her.” A soft smile tugs at his mouth. “But I think it’s best to let her do her thing now, and then, when some douchebag hurts her, we step in again. Indie might be right. We should back off.”
“You say ‘we’…” I give him a pointed look.
“Hey, don’t act like you didn’t scare off that guy at her junior prom.”
I scoff. “He was an asshole.” Jason Vancewasthe biggest asshole. I’d heard him talking—no,bragging—to his friends about how far he wanted to go with Quinn that night. I knew they’d been dating for a while and, yeah, guys his age would brag about sex, but I still didn’t like it. So, I may have had a hand in that one.
“I agree.” He nods. “But like I said, now we back off.”
Back off? He can’t be for real. Queenie is too sweet, too kind to let assholes walk all over her, and college guys are assholes. I should know. I don’t realize how hard I’m clenching my fists until I feel the bite of my nails in my palm. Yeah, fuck that. “I didn’t get the lecture from Indie. I’m still keeping an eye on her.”
Seb half groans, half laughs. “You can’t, man.”
I slap a hand on his shoulder as we turn the corner, and the campus dorms come into view. “I’ll do my best to keep the douchiest guys away from her. I’ll be subtle.”
“You? Subtle? Unlikely.”
Yeah, maybe he’s not wrong. But I won’t let one of my best friends get hurt.
Chapter six
“Oooh, what about him?”Indie asks with her pointer finger outstretched. She’s taking this whole ‘Quinn goes dating’ thing incredibly seriously. I follow her line of sight and grimace, my nose wrinkling in protest.
“Ashley Prescott?” I question, equal parts horrified and in disbelief that my friend would suggest him. The guy is gorgeous, and he knows it. All wide grins and floppy blond hair, big, flexing biceps, and he’s on the lacrosse team. I don’t think I want to go there. He also sleeps with anything that has a pulse. “Hard pass.”
Indie snorts a laugh as she brushes her blonde curls away from her face, and continues perusing the cafeteria of unknowing suitors, all for my benefit. They squirrel around innocently, going about their day, with no idea they’re being scouted by us—or, more accurately, my best friend and her shrewd gaze. “Hmm, slim pickings here today. I know some guys in my music classes.”
I can tell she already knows my heart isn’t in it. I’m lovesick, have been my whole existence, and there’s no cure. Yet here I am, trying to move on.
I shrug, lowering my chin into the palm of my hand, my gut churning at the thought of not getting what I ultimately want. “There’s no point.”