“Yeah, but only because I’m about to get into a ride to go to campus.”
“You’re here?” I ask, surprised.
“Yeah, I’m surprising Indie,” he says. “I thought I’d drop by since she’s graduating. I told everyone I was in pre-season training, but I had to sort out the new apartment. Training starts next week, but since Indie’s moving up here, I got us a bigger place.”
“Damn, man, that’s some graduation gift,” I guffaw.
“That’s the plan,” he says. “Are you at your place?”
“Nope, I’m on campus. The girls had a hair emergency, so I’m just hanging out,” I explain.
“Perfect timing, then,” he says. “Meet me at Mug Life in about fifteen minutes?”
“I’ll be there.”
“Awesome. See you soon.”
I tuck my phone away, a grin on my face as I head toward the coffee shop. Within fifteen minutes, he walks through the door, and I stand to hug him.
“You’ve filled the fuck out, look at those gains,” I say, slapping his back.
“I’ve got a nutritionist who manages my food life these days.”
“And all that training, you’re looking strong man.”
“Thanks.” He smiles. “I’ve got you some tickets again for opening game.”
Something twinges in my chest, reminding me that we should’ve been doing this together, on a field, the same team or even competing. But my life has taken a different path, one that I am truly happy with, but I still love the sport. “Thanks, man,” I say genuinely. “I’m hoping I can fly out for the weekend, so long as Oregon aren’t playing it should be good.”
“I don’t know if I’ve said this, but I’m pretty fucking proud of you, being a big shot physio.”
I chuckle, shaking my head. “Shut up, you’re the big shot, always have been.”
An hour later, we’re all in the outdoor auditorium where Quinn, who’s graduating with honors today, is about to deliver the opening speech for the ceremony.
Quinn steps up to the podium, and even from here, I can see how comfortable she looks.
Her hair falling in red waves around her face, her graduation hat on her head. She looks perfect.
“Tomorrow…” She pauses, looking around. “That might feel like a scary word for some of us. Not everyone is a planner, but there’s a beauty in knowing and not knowing, because tomorrow for all of us is the start of something completely new.
“I wish I could promise that none of you will face adversity, heartbreak, or loss. But what I can promise is that overcoming these challenges will shape you into the person you are destined to be. There’s no single right way to navigate life; it’s all about how we learn and grow along the way.
“What you do have control over is how you use the time you’re given and the people you choose to surround yourself with. Seek out those who allow you to breathe yet hold you close. Choose those who feel like home but also give you space to express yourself fully. Be with those who light your heart on fire but also watch you grow.
“Because one thing I know is that every single person sitting here today is worth the kind of love that we all deserve and that includes loving yourself.
“The journey ahead is yours to shape. Congratulations, Class of 2024, and may tomorrow be the start of something wonderful.”
The crowd erupts into cheers and clapping, including me and Seb. We’re on our feet, my gaze glued to my girl, and as soon as those beautiful green eyes find me in the crowd, she smiles the most breathtaking smile. That’s all for me.
I think about how lucky I am to have her in my life—someone who challenges me, makes me feel at home, and gives me space when I need it. Hearing her say all this makes me realize just how right our journey together has been.
Just how right our future is going to be.
After the ceremony, we’re all gathered around the lake. The graduates, Quinn, Indie, Hudson, and Jay, all graduated the same year and there’re a few extras in our group tonight.
I manage to sneak Quinn away from the group for a second, toward the lake, where the sun is setting behind the trees.