Page 16 of Fragile

“I was asking Quinn,” Miles cuts him off, his tone firmer than he’d usually speak, with an unreadable look in his eyes. “Well? Is that whatyouwant?”

“Yeah, I want to date.” I fluster for a second before adding, “But not Hudson.” I cast an apologetic glance to him and return to Miles. “I want to be wanted by someone and get butterflies and have someone care enough to be around me without you and my brother ruining it.” I’m practically hissing, my sudden anger surprising me too.

My nostrils flare as I stare at him and he stares back, but nothing changes in the way he’s looking at me. I don’t know what I expected to happen, for him to suddenly confess his love for me?Hilarious.

“You don’t date much,” Hudson interrupts, breaking our eye contact as Miles looks away. Misplaced disappointment lines my stomach as I drag my gaze to the boy who’s more giddy puppy than linebacker. “So, I’m going to guess your type. Clearly, it’s not great if you don’t wantme.” He leans toward me to whisper loudly, “Which is a mistake, by the way.” Leaning back, he continues. “I love love, and I’d be a great choice.” His eyes glitter with excitement.

“No, Huds. You love hooking up,” Jay counters, placing his fork on top of his empty plate.

He waves off Jay and begins searching the crowd around the room. “Let’s see who we’ve got here, then. We can’t have you going without sex.”

Groaning, I lower my head to the table with a light thud. This was a bad idea. “I saiddate. I know this might be foreign to you, Hudson, but people can date without sex to begin with.”

Hudson scoffs at my comment, not stopping his search.

“I wish I could help you and get him to stop,” Jay offers apologetically as I look up at him with pleading eyes. “But I’ve known him for years now, and he’s like a dog with a bone.”

Hudson rubs his hands together, mischief emanating from him. “Not him,” he says as he scans the room eagerly. “Nope. No. He’s not the one. No. Ahh, what about Zach Mackenzie?”

“The hockey player?” I ask, just as a grumbly noise echoes next to me. Was that Miles?

“Yeah. He’s over there,” Hudson says, pointing behind me, distracting me from overthinking the noise I think Miles made. Turning to rest my chin on my shoulder, to look subtly, I see Zach. He’s standing in front of the drink fridge, one hand leaning at the top as he flexes his hand against the door, and his muscles pop a little with the movement. I can’t deny the guy is insanely good looking, with his t-shirt rippling across his wide, muscled back. His dark hair is cropped short to his head, and his blue eyes are a stark contrast to his dark skin. The guy is a walking orgasm. “Oooh, Quinn is ogling him.”

Another grumbling noise next to me. I definitely didn’t imagine that one. He’s probably assessing the need to intervene and how to stop anyone from getting within fifty feet of me, but if he thinks he can stop me, he’ll have to answer to an incredibly determined Indie and now, apparently, Hudson too. “I am not ogling.” Zach’s beautiful, but he’s not the boy sitting beside me. And that is yet another reason I know I should start dating again—less exposure to my one true love, and more exposure to people I can learn to love. Foolproof, right?

“He’s fresh out of a relationship. His ex left him just before we got back this semester. I don’t know the full story, but he could be a fun time. Or are we looking for a long time?” Hudson asks and, truthfully, I don’t know.

“Uhhh,” I fumble, wringing my hands under the table.

“I think she needs to get railed.” Indie surprises me, and I spin to face her, mouth dropped open.

“Indiana!” I chastise.

She shrugs, casually sipping her water. “I speak the truth.”

“What about Killian from my photography class?” Jay suggests. “Do you know him? Tall guy, blond hair, lives in my dorm, usually at most parties we go to.”

“I know who you mean, but—”

“Not him,” Miles mumbles, but no one acknowledges him.

“There’s also Dylan. You know the drummer in my classes?” Indie interrupts, but all it does is fog my brain, and I feel my frustration like a frog in my throat. Am I not allowed a say in any of this?

“Pfft, a drummer?” Miles nudges me, eyebrow raised. I open my mouth to respond, but don’t get the chance.

“Or Guy from my business class. He’s always nice and super smart,” Jay suggests, just as Miles sighs, and I see his hand run down his face from the corner of my eye.

“Everyone, please—” I begin.

“Hey, Zach!” Hudson bellows, and I wish more than anything a giant sinkhole really would open up to swallow me whole. With strides of a true athlete, Zach strolls over to us with grace and speed, and when he gets to our table, I realize I’ve shrunk into myself.

“What’s up, Parker?” He addresses Hudson with a smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. They remain sad. Yeah, this guy is clearly still heartbroken over someone, and this is a terrible idea.

“Do you know Quinn?” Hudson asks, presenting me to him like a game show host. Where is that sinkhole, please, lord? I sit up straighter to offer a polite greeting.

His blue eyes land on my green ones, and he smiles. It’s honest and sweet, and I still can’t deny he’s really cute. “Yeah, you’re Dawson’s little sis, right?”

I nod. “That’s me. Also known as Quinn.” I wave and smile back at him, just as another growl rumbles through Miles.